Wednesday, June 23

honey jumbles

When i popped over to have a look what Cathy at m.e had been up to - I was drooling over these Honey Jumbles so much so that I just had to make them this morning.

So with kids standing on little chairs up at the kitchen bench or on the floor playing chef, we baked...

And they are delicious.

I would write the recipe here for you, but why not go and check out Cathy's photos of her honey jumbles - they are exquisite!  I only made the vanilla icing as time was becoming an issue (and I didn't have strawberry paste)

I'll have to make another batch soon - I took these to playgroup this morning and dropped a small batch off in my friends letterbox so she can enjoy some too.  I've got enough for afternoon tea though! 

Have a great day! 


  1. they look great Brenda!! so very pleased they worked well for you. thanks for letting me know.
    yay!!! so happy you tried them

  2. they look delicious! lucky your little helper doesn't require actual mess-making food to keep her entertained!

  3. oh yum! honey jumbles are one of my favourites. right next to bullets!!

  4. OK, I definitely have to make these ones this week!


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