Tuesday, April 27


well, I finished off my olives the other day.  It was quite exciting and I am very happy with the results.
The final stage after setting them in salt water for 4 days was to remove the pip, give them a quick rinse then mix with sliced garlic (I used about 4 cloves), a few chillies, and dried oregano (again, no measuring, just until it looked enough!) I divided the olives into the sterilised jars and filled with vegetable oil.  Seal the jars and hey presto - you have marinated olives.
I did the handful of black olives too, but kept them separate to the green.  They turned out a bit softer and mushy but will be fine for mixing in burgers or for pizza! 


  1. They look brilliant! I'm going to give them a whirl. Hope you have a happy week :)

  2. congratulations! you must be quite proud - i know i would be.


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