Saturday, June 15


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for a year 

J - Always thinking, calculating with such intensity...this morning you at least got to enjoy a snippet of sunshine
M - After I showed you the scrappy owl wings I made you, you've enjoyed moments of owl madness

Linking up with Jodi @ Che & Fidel 

I loved the cute little smiles on these faces from last week


  1. Oh, the light in the first shot is DELIGHTFUL! Look at the sparkle in J's eyes! And those scrappy owl wings are just divine. I'd be a crazy owl with that getup too. You're so absolutely clever! x

  2. those owl wings are amazing! x

  3. Your owl wings are incredible Brenda! You make the coolest stuff, so clever x

  4. Love the owl wings. I've linked you to my 52 portrait blogpost over at Poppyfoxathome. The link is

  5. Look at those beautiful wings. Love.

  6. He is such a beautiful, gentle soul! And those wings on your little honey are just magnificent x x


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx