Saturday, June 8


A portrait of my children, once a week every week for a year

J - Excited, running from room to room
M- Delicately replacing your gumboot back on as you roam free in surroundings you love 

Joining in with Jodi @ Che & Fidel 


  1. Wow it's all coming together so quickly. I want yellow gumboots for winter too! xo

  2. wowsers !! now I can really see and feel it, so excited for you x and happy birthday Judy x

  3. wowsers I can really see and feel it now, so excited for you x Happy Birthday Judy x

  4. i can't imagine the joy of walking through your soon to be home. must be nice to see it through the eyes of your children also.

  5. Wow, it's coming along, Bren. Gave me a little goosebump seeing the structure up like that. You must be covered in them all the time!!! x


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