A little while ago, whilst flittering away in my sewing room, drowning in what appeared to be way too much fabric, I made
a little pledge to make and make and make and make....and not buy. Yep, not to purchase any more fabric, until the fabric stash already in my possession was transformed into projects that they were destined to be when first brought home.
One such project I did not set out to make was an adorable owl costume for my daughter. I blame
Pinterest. It really is a place of good and evil. Mostly evil I dare say...all that pinning and not much actually following through with the actual making of anything pinned. All those projects, recipes, tips for this, that, ones that inspire, ones that claim to get you looking fit in seven days*, and all quotes that make you jsut giggle. But this costume was just the ticket for busting through some of that stash. I cut out all the fabric one night, then it was sewn the next and enjoyed each day thereafter, it has been a joy to think that my cacophany of jumbled bits of fabric could result in such an eye-catching delight.
In an effort for more fabric stash project I can called this PART 1, I hope this will be one of many of the projects I share.
Do you have any projects that are good for a fabric collector?
Do you really make all that stuff you pin?
The inspiration and tutorial for this project came from here.
Last chance to enter my Bakers Delight Giveaway!
*If I'm going to pin fitness themed articles, then I must stop pinning cakes, brownies and nutella truffles!