
Tuesday, April 23

just make

A late night rummage, unravelling piles and piles of fabric, more and more as I went.  Countless purchases, some remembered, fresh as they are, some being hoarded away years and years...the creases proof of that.

No more.  As I scrapped off a planned trip to the local fabric establishment...I made a quiet but timely vow to myself.

Just make.

Pen and paper in hand, I labelled each piece of fabric, hunted out patterns, started planning and will vow to make my way through this lot before the imminent move.  If I need to I'll stock up on notions and threads, but that's it.

It's the good kick up the ol' backside I needed I think.  There is a tendency for me to overlook that summer fabric I didn't quite get to because the thrill of planning a winter cape is just too "right now"...but fearing I'm becoming "fabric collector" and not "clothes sewer"....I'm clearing out my sewing room and feeling motivated a ready to bunker down and get going.

Have you ever given yourself a good crafty challenge?
Please tell you "collect fabric" too?



  1. Oh Brenda! I couldn't begin to describe my collection to you! I'm a classic when it comes to buying fabric with particular projects in mind but never actually sitting down to complete one! I've been focusing on patchwork and quilting as of late but this week I've jumped into the deep end with the Kids Clothes Week challenge and I'm determined to have at least two pieces to show off by the weeks end :) I look forward to seeing what you're making here!

    Sophie xo

  2. Good for you lovely! Yes, I too hoard fabric but am really trying to embrace the "make do" philosophy by using what I have here at home. I love your approach...such a great way of tackling it all! Enjoy the journey beautiful girl :) xx

  3. Love the organised way of labelling everything in order for you to get started! I tend to hoard things (Craft books especially) but never make anything. I planning on changing this though. Can't wait to see and be inspired by your makes xo

  4. lol, not so much a fabric collector, it just happens. I've got fabric in my office I bought not last summer but the one before to make a skirt, like you winter came I ignored it and now I have so many wonderful ideas running through my head, but I'm not sewing a thing until that skirt is made. now to find the time.

  5. While there isn't anything wrong with collecting fabric, it's so more beautiful on your skin (or a loved one) than folded up in your sewing room.

    What a fabulous idea. The equivalent of Michelle Bridges' "Just F@#%^ing do it!"

    Bahaha! x


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