
Saturday, April 27


A photo of my children, once a week, every week, for a year 

J - Quite protective of his younger sister
M - This week in particular you've caught me unaware at just how much you are growing up

Linking up with Jodi at Che & Fidel


  1. You've really captured some beautiful photos this week Brenda! Oh, and if you're wondering, yours and Bron's were my favourite last week!

    Your photographs just keep getting better and better! It's time for a photography course for me, I think! xxx

  2. lovely portraits - your boy looks like a very adoring big bro :)

  3. Beautiful Brenda! Love the blues in the second photo x

  4. Beautiful portraits Brenda, there's something about the light and space of the background that makes your children really jump out of the images. Love! Belinda x


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