
Monday, April 22


There's been so much enjoyment going on this week, that when I look back on my stills collection it brings a little smile to my face that such simple moments, acts, and gestures can render me so happy.

1. Making a list and getting the patterns ready
2. Watching her love of different and varying foods develop
3. Finding a new cafe and loving all the vintage quirks and fantastic coffee
4. Oh and fairy floss on your baby chino?  why not!
5. Daylesford organic free range eggs...
6. Frittata made from those delicious eggs
7. Organic celery + homemade peanut butter = best snack

How was your week?

Linking up with Em @ The Shack 



  1. All of these pics Brenda just make me feel warm and snug. I adore peeking at your gorgeous photos xx

  2. I went in search of an egg tray just like that recently...and couldn't source one anywhere!!! In fact, some shop owners looked at me like I had three heads when I described what I was after. Do you mind if I ask where you got yours??
    Lovely photos by the way...lots of golden light.

  3. Taking photos is a lovely way to remember all the little things that made you happy over the past week. Your week looks like it was a grand one. Happy Monday! Melinda x

  4. A delicious selection of lovely photos.

  5. I love the expression on your little ladies face, So sweet! Beautiful stills. I hope you have a lovely week. xo

  6. Oh my goodness! I want a babycino with fairy floss now and I wouldn't mind getting a glimpse of those patterns too. Look forward to seeing what your sewing endeavour creates lovely.

  7. It' so good to see so many things bringing you joy. I love the weekly collection of photos that you share with us each week. Your life is full of so many beautiful, yet simple things. It's exactly the way it should be. xx

  8. Gorgeous images. I love that Persian fairy floss, just never thought of putting it on a cup of coffee!

  9. What a gorgeous montage... Love that the simple things bring so much pleasure.

    That fairy floss looks YUMMY!!


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx