
Tuesday, April 16


This week I felt the full effects of acknowledging that Summer is well and truely over and Autumn has graced us with her presence.  We said fairwell to Day Light Savings, the sun setting earlier, the darker skies present as we dine now with lights on and the chilly mornings make wrapping your hands around that first cup of coffee all the more enjoyable.  I love Autumn, for all it's prettiness and it makes me  eager to bunker down, get cosy and plan some baking and crafting....

1. The new cardigan 'in progress' - it's been finished now, but as a vest as I was getting low on yarn.  I'll show you the full version later in the week.
2. Some holiday baking...I think this was apples stewing
3. I'm cutting out on bread, so vowing to only eat bread that I make.  These loaves didn't make it past lunch time.
4. Enjoying the figs
5. Boys + Snails = entertainment....enough said.

I hope you had a wonderful week.

Linking up with Em @ The Shack



  1. Your home is always filled with such warmth lovely soul. SO wish I could pop in and visit you :) xx

  2. Oh what lovely snippets of your week. I adore the colour of that yarn, so bright and cheery.
    I love Autumn for all the same reasons :)

  3. The bread! The figs! The stewing apples! Your house looks so much yummier than mine!!!

  4. Oh my those figs look divine! Happy week to you lovely. x

  5. Those FIGS! (And that photo! Your photography skills are MAD lady!) x

  6. Oh Brenda, you make autumn sound so delightful! At the moment we are thinking of heating! It's getting cold in our unheated cottage! Good on you for cutting out bread. I think we are eating more than ever here! Can't wait to see your finished writer cardigan. It already looks beautiful! Xx


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx