
Wednesday, April 17


Soft toys, imaginary play.  You're the mummy, taking care of your babies, you cuddle them and comfort them, already that maternal instinct so acute.  Eager to understand the world, each day littered with questions, some easy, some not.

Dress ups, multiple times a day.  Does this match?  you ask.  So determined, yet easily unsure you scamper close by my side, reassurance is your savour.

Pig-tails, accessories, pretty things.. Chatterbox, craft apprentice and kitchen helper...devouring fruit and baby spinach on a daily basis and the request for special sushi your treat.  Baby cino at any cafe extra points if accompanied by a marshmallow.

Cuddles, kisses and loving me a billion plus infinity.

I thank Him every day you chose me to call your mum.


Crochet vest adapted from a cardigan pattern in Issue 1 of Simply Crochet Magazine.   Instead of sleeves I did a simple scallop edge around the arm holes to finish off.  This pattern uses 4 ply yarn...this colour is Gelato by Moda Vera, 1.2m of ribbon purchased at GJ's discount fabric and sealed at ends by hovering over a lighted match to stop it fraying. 


  1. She's adorbs, Bren. Such a cute, cute outfit. Nice little cardi, Mumma. x

  2. Brenda, I love this vest, you're so clever. I need to have a crack at something other than blankets but at the moment it's easy, a no brainer and something I can do in my tired time. love it.

  3. Such beautiful words about your darling girl! And equally beautiful images! Her cardi is so very lovely. What a lucky little poppet to have such a clever and loving Mumma. Have a glorious week lovely one :) xx

  4. You are amazing - you created such a beautiful girl, not to mention the gorgeous cardi ;)
    I love your pics, you have really captured her here. xx

  5. What a gorgeous girl and an equally gorgeous cardigan. Your words are so free and beautiful. Have a lovely week Brenda x

  6. Bren, this is SUCH a beautiful post. M is all of those thigs and even more. I just love the pictures and that adorable crocheted vest. You are an amazing mother, just like she is amazing. She's worth being grateful for. Xx

  7. So sweet! You are very clever. Such beautiful words to go with your pictures.

  8. Such a lovely post about such a lovely little one. You speak beautifully about your girl. (and I love that vest too!)

  9. Gorgeous Bren! That cardi is a huge splash of sunshine.

  10. Cutest little thing!
    Gorgeous, clever mama.
    Delightful! x

  11. Your photos are lovely and that vest is divine!

  12. She is so sweet - the little pony tail, the cardi - so, so sweet.


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