
Saturday, April 13


15/52 - A photo of my children, once a week, every week for a year

J - A few snails in your watering can kept you entertained for hours
M - Your favourite afternoon (or anytime) snack, straight off the tree. 

Loving these portraits here from last week 

Linking up with Jodi @ Che & Fidel 


  1. Wow! Wonderful photos this week Brenda. Love little Miss and those big brown eyes xo

  2. Oh my goodness! Such divine photos! They really capture the moment. And J's face - so priceless! Could M's eyes BE any bigger? She's so adorable and is eating her fruit with real energy! xxx

  3. BEST!!!!!! The snail and the figs and their precious little faces are just too ace.
    What brilliant moments to capture.
    Happy week lovely lady. xx

  4. Your photos are amazing this week Brenda! I can't stop looking at them (and that snail and those amazing big brown eyes). Mel x

  5. how wonderful to have a fig tree. they are one of my favorite fruits. lovely shots

  6. Such beautiful images of your babies doing simple, lovely things. Such a lovely childhood you are giving these wee angels :) xx

  7. The snail image is perfection, B. that look of intensity, the curiosity of childhood captured. x


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