
Thursday, April 11


 My paternal grandmother, or Omi as she was affectionately known was wonderful at crochet.  I'm sure just by looking at those intricate doilies you will not disagree.  It's been fifteen years since she left this world and as a child and teenager I was mostly oblivious to her many crafting talents.  Now that my own crochet love is blossoming, and the timely inheritance of some of her wonderful creations are now in my possession I felt a certain sentimentality in joining our crochet journey together.

So with little planning, as usual, and one quiet night spent at the machine, this little crochet hook pouch was made.  My Omi's crochet doily remains intact on the front, joined with a snip of linen and some screen printed fabric from the stash, little pockets for each hook I own...a velvet ribbon secures it all together.

I wonder how my Omi stored her hooks?
How do you store yours?

Joining in here. 


  1. Adorable Bren! Looks lovely and very clever of you.

  2. What a fabulous idea! I inherited lots of stuff from my crafty nan, and it always warms my heart when I use something from her stash. And what a lovely hook pouch! Such a great idea. To be honest, I'm not really sure how or even where I store my hooks! I can never seem to find them. I think some are in a glass somewhere, some others in a box and some in my everyday crochet bag. If only I stored them better, I'd be able to find them and my current project would be going much smoother!

  3. Oh what a truly gorgeous way to store hooks and a wonderful tribute to your Grandmother.
    My nana has numerous vessels that she stored all her hooks and needles in so I've kind of followed in her footsteps and keep mine in jars too.


  4. So special Brenda. I have a collection of crocheted doilies from my grandmother and my husband's grandmother. Treasures. I love what you have done with yours and I'm sure she would have been proud.

  5. Brenda, that is just priceless. My beloved nana stored hers in a travel toothbrush case. Mine live in a recycled glass jar (when I put them away that is!)

  6. That is the most beautiful idea! You're absolutely so clever, and I think your Omi would have been proud ;) x

  7. What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother. great job x

  8. oh this is beautiful. we have my darling's nan's work scattered around the house, love it. :)sarah

  9. That is a really lovely pouch and your grandmother's doilies are gorgeous. I wish I could Mum and my sister have tried to teach me but I just can't get the hang of it. Funnily, knitting comes more easily to my hands. Not that I'm accomplished in that field yet. When I see beautiful work like your grandmother's, it sure does inspire me to keep trying.


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx