
Monday, March 25

The Exhibition

On the weekend we held an Art Exhibition.  The week before we drew up an invitation and delivered it to the special recipients.  The night before the Exhibition we delved into the depth of "the bottom" draw where many a prized artworks are lovingly stored.  We sorted and with a critical eye selected only the best.  Each piece was named by said artists, an accompanying description sometimes added and the decision to "sell" selected works was borne.  The curators job was to delicately display the artwork, turning what was affectionally known as the spare room into The Gallery.

Once the artwork was in place, the door was closed until the official opening of 3pm.  The invitees arrived having to pay a small admission fee to cover expenses such as blue-tak and washi tape and were given a special brochure detailing some background history about each artist.  They then perused The Gallery, admiring the exhibited works, discussing and listening to the Artists describe each peice.    

Delighted Artists were busy writing out receipts as a flurry of purchases were made and artwork bundled up and taken to a new destination.

Such a fun was had by all, and such a magical way to display children's artwork and to allow extended family to marvel at their accomplishments.



  1. I love this! How sweet... The children would have been so proud of their wonderful works of art! We once did this at preschool but made it a Dinosaur Exhibition where the children made clay sculptures, box constructions, collage works and paintings and drawings of dinosaurs. Such a great projects and the kids loved every moment of the process!

    Sophie xo

  2. awesome! What a fabulous idea. My girls would love this.


  3. Ahhh, love it. Great idea. Something to file away for winter I think. Thank you for sharing lovely! xo

  4. That's awesome Brenda love the pic of Miranda with your dad, beautiful.

  5. such a lovely idea! the kids would have been so proud.
    just popped by to say a big hello and say that I loved seeing you the other day, was such a wonderful surprise.
    going through your blog after so long I am just smiling with all the beauty you are creating.
    your images are amazing and you are capturing such beauty in the everyday things.
    keep on smiling gorgeous girl.
    Big hugs x

  6. Oh Brenda! How precious. Might have to have our own here! J x

  7. This was just too beautiful for words! x

  8. This is SUPURB! You must link it up as an extra in this weeks collection- we're having a craft focus.

    this is seriously THE BEST idea ever

    xo em

  9. Oh my goodness, what a fabulous idea! I must do this with my children, thank you so much for sharing this idea! It looks as though you have had a brilliant time. x

  10. So creative your little ones are. I hope they got top dollar for their artworks. x

  11. That is such a lovely idea. How wonderful! and I bet the children LOVED showing off their works of art.
    I'm so glad I found your blog,
    xx Katrina

  12. Such a great idea! I had to pop it on to pinterest and share the love!


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