
Sunday, March 24

making memories

Flittering through week after week, swim classes and piano classes, school and kinder, this term is coming to an end and if I'm honest, I'm looking forward to the break.  This week I endeavoured to get into the Easter spirit with some inspired craft and general happy stuff slotted in-between the mundane. It's reminded me again of the joy of watching my children create memories I hope they keep with them forever...when they look back as adults and laugh at the silly stuff we did together.

1. Crochet hooks..I'm hoping to make a beanie for all of us this winter.
2. My gorgeous little felt angel I won in a giveaway by this spirited blogger
3. A cr-afternoon painting Easter delights and chatting to my girl
4. Just like her brother, she finds wonder in listening to music
5. The "receipts" from the very successful Art Exhibition that was held on the weekend*
6. Trying on their new swimmers thanks to Grandparents that ventured to warmer climates on their holiday**
7. Since moving the keyboard out of the spare-room and into the dining area, watching you play and practise is quite a joy.

How are you feeling nearing the end of the term..ready for the break?

Linking up with Em @ The Shack

*Check back tomorrow when I post about the Children's Art Exhibition in more detail. 
** The town of Mulwala were I grew up and my parents still live was severely damaged in the tornado that struck North East Victoria on Wednesday.  The clean up will be long and the emotional effects lasting.  Please keep those affected in your thoughts and prayers.   


  1. Prayers for your parents and their community!
    Yes, I'm only doing the kinder run this year but I'll be looking forward to mornings NOT woken up by an alarm! Have a great week Brenda xo

  2. Oh yes! Bring on the holidays already. Of course, that means entertaining two children instead of one while we're entertaining, but let's hope they entertain themselves!

    Sleep ins? Yes please!

    A holiday up north sounds delightful. Those bathers are so cute. Especially that tutu! xxx

  3. that angel is just beautiful! looks like you had a lovely week. enjoy the holidays!

  4. so much creativity in your week. i love it! particularly your wee one rocking the headphones. adorable.

  5. My children finished on Friday! I am sooooooo ready for the break, I just hope I can keep them entertained enough for the next two weeks. :o/ Thanks for sharing your stills. :o) x

  6. I love that angel so sweet. I am ready for the break of lazy morning get ups and pottering around the garden in the last sunshine before winter arrives. Have the most beautiful new week. xxx

  7. as my crochet tutor I see us at the pub with a bottle of vino and you instructing me on how to graduate to beanies !! thats also whats next on my crochet list .... x

  8. Good thinking with the crochet beanies. i need to expand my crochet ability and get a beanie or two made before it cools down to much.

  9. Gorgeous! Can't wait to see your crochet beanies. Oh and your keyboard photo takes me back to playing for my family when I was little. So sweet!
    Sophie x

  10. going to refresh to learn more about this exhibition!

    Loving the craft focus

    xo em


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