
Saturday, March 23


12/52 - Portrait Challenge - A weekly portrait of my children, each week for a whole year 

J - Music is such a joy to you.  You listen to it constantly, play to it and learn it. 
M - Such anticipation as you prepare for your very own art exhibition

Joining with the lovely Jodi @ Che & Fidel 


A portrait that I loved from last week. 


  1. Oh, they're divine. Look at the concentration on J's face. You can tell he just loves it! And an art exhibition? Oh yes, she's a creative too!


  2. His concentration is magic. Such a gift teaching your little people music. And that little beauty of yours will stand proud in front of vast crowds one day with much of importance to say. Gorgeous! Hope your weekend is beautiful lovely friend :) xx

  3. Music is so powerful- what an amazing skill to possess. I just love, love, love the art gallery- I hope they charged what their masterpieces were worth ;-) x

  4. Look at all of that beautiful artwork. Being able to play music I think is such a gift, it looks like your boy enjoys playing I bet he plays lots of things for you. Have a lovely Sunday. x

  5. Creativity looks like it runs in the family...hope the exhibition goes well....will there be a guest musician there to serenade the guests.xx

  6. Love the focus on his hands, great captures.

  7. I love both of their expressions this week. That intense concentration on your little man's face is beautiful and she looks super proud of her amazing artwork. Gorgeous Brenda! Mel x PS I'm in love with the fabric on her dress too xx

  8. I have that fabric from that wee dress! I love love love it but can't decide what to make!

  9. Her own art exhibition - that is so unbelievably cute, Bren! She looks so pretty and READY in that sweet dress too.

    And a really lovely perspective on your shot of J. How wonderful that he loves his music so much. x


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx