
Friday, March 22

In my wardrobe : geometrics

It's been a while since I did a fashion post.  Lately, if I do one, it's because I've made something, and feel thats a good enough excuse to show it off.  Honestly, I love poking about blogs and checking out what you folks are wearing, and how your wearing it.  I relished the days when I'd link up with fashion loving bloggers to share our wardrobe delights and I love poking about over this way,  here* and's like real life fashion catalogues.  So I put the feelers out there again on Instagram and a few lovelies gave me the confidence to plunge into the fashion post realm again.   So I dusted off the tripod and had some fun in my favourite spot beside the house.

Tell me, do you like an odd fashion post?


|| Top from Pinclove
|| Jeans from  Country Road
|| Necklace vintage (from mum's collection)

*this lady has serious maternity style don't you think? 


  1. Stop it with you and your cuteness! Love what you are wearing, 'specially your shirt!

  2. gorgeous! love your "down the side of the house" shoots!

  3. You rock geometic prints like no other my dear. Love all that colour on you, and your mum's necklace. Bless! Oh, and I love your fringe. You just got 5-10 years younger. You rock, gorgeous girl! xx

  4. Oh, and thanks for the link! I just popped over to see who you linked up to (loving those blogs!!!) You're a gem!



Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx