
Thursday, March 28

Easter Eggs

An afternoon with nothing planned than a strong cup of tea, my girl and me.
We selected pretty fabric, the glue and a brush
and with loads of chatter and a laugh we merrily created an Easter Delight.
A hunt in the backyard found us lovely fallen branches and with a bit of twine and
yellow trim our table decoration was complete, and embracing the upcoming holidays.

Do you 'decorate' at Easter time?

Joining in with these creative folks



  1. They look great! I like the way you have displayed them too.

  2. Such a beautiful, gentle thing to do with your poppets amdist the flurry of chocolate. Just beautiful Bren! Wishing you a happy and relaxing Easter lovely soul :) xx

  3. This is gorgeous Brenda! Hope you have a wonderful Easter. Mel x

  4. I love this. I have'nt done anything craft yet but want to. I think this would be perfect. Thank you for sharing lovely. Happy Easter xo

  5. Brenda these are just lovely! I just brought home a handful of foam eggs from left over craft at preschool today! I was going to paint them but after seeing this I'm going to have to borrow your gorgeous idea. Loving the natural branches too. Happy Easter to you!

    Sophie xo

  6. How lovely. My daughter took charge of our Easter tree this year. And now she's making an Easter garland using pretty pastel-coloured paper, some wool, scissors and a hole-punch. I've no idea how it's going to turn out! Happy Easter x

  7. What a gorgeous idea! Happy Easter to you and your lovely family. x

  8. so so gorgeous. I'm really looking forward to decorating at Easter next year when Millie is old enough to be excited. What a splendid way to spend the afternoon with your little lady. Much love x


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