
Tuesday, February 5

this week

Well it was back to school last week!  how did you go if you have school kids?  It wasn't so bad, perhaps because it's not the first time, you know...maybe you get better at waving them off and kissing their foreheads and wishing them a year of learning, friends, good times and hoping they love it too.   I totally distracted myself by trying to make things and getting stuck into the kitchen.  

1.  Eggplants salted (although I do love calling them aubergines - such a nice name) 
2.  grilled, and marinated in oil 
3.  Conversation between siblings regarding first day of school
4.  failed sour dough bread
5.  Anniversary gifts exchanged.  I got the book*, hubby got the knife.  12 years! 
5.  Not from this week, but hubby with the STIHL gloves we were given (and I'm giving away a pair over on my other blog!)  

*Last night I made the quail ragu with polenta - amazing!  And Rohan's also just started a weekly organic vegetable box delivery to area's of Melbourne.  Check here for more details. 


  1. I love calling them aubergines too! It is such a lovely sounding name (much better than 'eggplant') - is that what is in the jars? what recipe do you use to preserve them, and what do you use them for? pastas and such?

    Such a lovely insight into your week, Brenda. Wishing you much happiness for this one!

    Sar xx

    1. yes the eggplants are grilled then placed in sterilised jars and i make a mix of olive oil and vinegar with some herbs to marinate them in. delicious on pizza, as an antipasto or however really.

  2. Aubergine - classy, eggplant - not! Looks like a lovely book. I have spied this out and about!

  3. Aww, congrats on 12 years! Fantastic. You must've been married "young"... you know, in today's standards. ;)
    All the best for twelve more and some sour dough success! xo

  4. Do you keep aubergines in mason jars? Like "canned"?

  5. I think the sourdough still looks yummy though! I hope to have that book in my hands oneday too, sounds great. My kids are back at school too, they are enjoying being with their friends again :)

  6. J looks so tall and thin - at what point exactly did our boys lose their puppy fat and get all long and thin? So handsome. I think M is dying to get there too! Won't be long! I love aubergines as opposed to eggplant. They look so amazing! Love your cooking inspiration in that recipe book. And if you hadn't told us the sourdough hadn't worked, we wouldn't have known! Better luck next time. I haven't had much luck with sourdough either. Much more luck with your focaccia though ;) x


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