
Wednesday, February 6

preserving {tomatoes}

A new book was all it took
I high tailed down to the local market in search of inspiration.
With our nana trolley wheeled behind us and eager eyes on the lookout
It didn't take long to make a selection
Beautiful sweet smelling roma tomatos
And at a price that meant some loose change was handed over
Humble time spent washing, slicing and measuring
Before hours and hours, and then some more of slow roasting

          1.8kg of roma tomatoes, washed and halved or quartered if they are large || add 2 tablespoons of caster sugar,  salt and pepper and 2 teaspoons of oregano and get your hands in there and mix it all about  ||  On a large baking plate, set out the tomatoes so as they are spaced out, not touching ||   In a warm oven set at 50 degrees bake for 7 - 12 hours, yes you read that right....bake all day long  and then when you done, just turn off the oven and leave them in can jimmy the oven door open if you like your tomatoes more semi I like still a little juicy || Once they're done, in a saucepan add 200ml olive oil with 3 tablespoons of white wine vinegar and another teaspoon of oregano || you could also add a diced up small chilli add a little kick.  Bring to the boil - then allow to cool ||  Place your tomatoes in sterilised jars, squishing them in real good || Pour over your cooled oil mix, right to the up with more oil if you require || seal the jars and your done || Oh and then open that night to devour with fresh crusty bread and good vino.

what preserves do like to make in the Summer time?

giveaway over here 


  1. They look fabulous - and so much better than the bought ones (no nasty chemicals). My plan is to make a few batches of tomato sauce.
    Smile Because
    Lisa Jo

  2. Oh man, they look amazing!!
    Amazingly delsicious.
    I CANNOT wait for the bulk of ours to ripen.
    Come on babies!!!!

  3. Oh yum! We haven't had enough tomatoes to do this yet, but I'm hoping we can. They look so delicious. We are obviously inspired by similar things at the moment. How is the ESP???? xx

  4. I love making stuff from scratch like that, project cooking! Not the day to day stuff.

  5. They look amazing, yum! So far this summer we have made jam and chutney. I'm waiting for our peaches to ripen then will definately do something with them. xo

  6. Oh, delicious! You make the best stuff!

  7. I'll be doing this for sure, thanks for sharing.

  8. Woah this is amazing, and they look so beautiful all snuggled up in their jars!

  9. They look soooooo good Brenda!! We're still waiting for our tomatoes but I don't think there'll be enough for preserving this year. We like to get local apricots and preserve stewed apricots though:-)
    Mel x


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