
Saturday, February 2


5/52 - A weekly portrait of my children, once a week, every week for a year

J - how could I not take a portrait of you (or several) of your first day in Grade 1. So confident and excited you simply could not wait. 
M - Some much needed quiet time eating a bowl of baby spinach

joining in with Jodi @ Che and Fidel



  1. I loooove first day back at school pictures! The shiny new shoes do it for me every time! And bless you, but how on earth do you get small people to sit down and eat a bowl of baby spinach!? Mine would behave as if I was poisoning them!

  2. So much easier on mum when there is excitement on the first day of school. Love that she is tucking into a bowl of spinach! xo

  3. Happy back-to-school, Bren!?

    And a whole bowl of baby spinach!? Lucky! x

  4. Such a proud moment for him...and you! He looks like he's grown a whole lot taller too. And your baby girl eating it makes your heart swell. Hope your Sunday is a beautiful one lovely :) x

  5. Gorgeous! Love his watch and I agree with Steph - he looks very tall for year 1, same as my boy :-) Mel x

  6. Your big boy is so happy to be going to school, such an important moment to capture. And your little girl eating a bowl of spinach, you're doing a great job Brenda that's so fantastic. xx

  7. Awesomeness!!
    He looks so proud and ready for school!
    And I love the peace in the photo of Miss M.

  8. Gorgeous shots. I think the first day of grade 1 is going to be a HUGE one for us. Kindy seems like a natural progression but grade 1- wow! So big now! xo m.

  9. Your images are beautiful Brenda! I hope your little man had a great week starting out in year one. What an emotional time it must be sending your kids off to school. I hope your week is a lovely one and thank-you for stopping by my blog. Melinda x

  10. I'm so impressed that your girl will snack on a bowl of baby spinach! Our little one is pretty good eating most foods but salad, spinach, any green leaves are the final frontier! Your kids are so gorgeous Brenda. Belinda x


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