
Thursday, January 31

make, mend & re-fashion

A simple philosophy so often forgotten.  In this materialistic world we live in even the conscientious of folk can be blinded by the convenience of replacing versus repairing and discarding versus re-inventing.

This week I focused on what my home already had to offer me.  Whilst wardrobes were being sorted and re-tidyed in an effort to start afresh for the commencement of Term 1, a small pile of clothes required my attention and my imagination could realise their potential.

A torn bit of fabric requiring a patch, a loose button and a snagged thread all begging to be fixed.  I often forget how fortunate I am that I can fix these with ease, that I have the tools, the knowledge (albeit self taught knowledge) and even when I don't know the correct way, I just have a go.

The black dress that I've owned pre-children was seeming a bit lack lustre but with still so much wear left in it, it was crying out for a bit of a re-fashion. I cut sections out and by adding bit of colour and contrast and I've a new dress to see me through Summer.

A pair of jeans that were too short for my son got the chop and made excellent shorts and a top with stains that could not budge were craftily covered with fabric and felt flowers.   My daughter is smitten with her 'new' dress.  A white tee (size 2) that still fits her small frame sewn onto a wonderful dress that was handcrafted by a dear friend years ago.

Make do, mend & re-fashion.

Joining in here.

Tell me your make do and mend creations.


  1. I love your revamped black dress. Very clever combination of colour and pattern. Looks great.

  2. Everybody needs a lbd but the way you have repurposed your one gives it more of a wow factor!
    I mend things within an inch of their lives and what can no longer be mended generally ends up in the rag bag. Repurposing however is not something I have a lot of experience with but is something I would love to try more of :)

  3. Love your dress! The colour and pattern look great against the black. I often chop jeans into shorts, the kids prefer to wear them then new denim as it 's softer.


  4. Love what you have done with your dress. You have reminded me of my growing pile of mending (thanks to the sharp teeth of pup Charlie) that needs seeing too. xo

  5. Here's a sage piece of advice from my great aunt...
    "Money saved is money earned."
    Go forth & mend Bren. x

  6. Love these 'make and mends' Funnily enough I volunteer as a coordinator for a makers and mender group which has the same philosophy. I love to reinvent new clothes from op-shop items, or use thirfted fabric instead of buying new.

  7. Your refashioned LBD looks fantastic! Great work.

  8. Oh so clever. I'd love to have an eye that can envisage such a change/re-fashion...x
    (thanks for popping by - lovely to have found a new blog to read!)

  9. How clever you are :) That black dress re-fashion is amazing!

  10. Yay for you clever, crafty soul! You know I adore a good repurpose in these parts too my twinny. And to think that little wee frock for you girl can still live on. I'm so chuffed :) x

  11. Love your re-works! I have to admit that the boys all have new shorts thanks to rips in the knees of their skinny coloured jeans. They love it, and it saved me having to buy new shorts ;)

    Well done, clever you! x


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