
Tuesday, January 29


Many moons ago when I packed my 1980's Ford Meteor and officially moved out of home, I was gifted with many plastic fantastic of the food storage variety.  Tupperware of all different shapes and sizes to see me through cheap university lunches and dinners, into work life when I expanded my cooking repertoire and then into early parenthood when the baby food was made in bulk and frozen in all sorts of said tupperware.  Slowly as the years have progressed lids were lost, the plastic cracked or lost it's shape.  Many an invite to the dreaded "tupperware" party have been turned down in an attempt not to replace plastic with more plastic.  Instead,  I've been drawn to glass.  All different shapes and sizes.   Recycling jars for further use, or searching in discount stores or kitchen ware departments.  A lazy afternoon crafting some labels.  Enjoying the sounds of the glass lids chinking, the earthy colours  of whole foods that I love cooking for my family. The aesthetic appeal of the beauty of glass bringing a small smile each time I open up the doors.    Packets discarded, filling the pantry with simplicity.

How do you organise your pantry?

Oh - I almost forgot...The Weetbix Giveaway winner has been announced (sorry for my tardiness in getting around that one!) 


  1. Our pantry looks very similar to yours, Brenda! I too love the simply beautiful aesthetic of glass jars - they make me want to cook more! I love your tags too! It's such a lovely project for the smalls.

    Sar xx

  2. A woman after my own heart Brenda! Mine looks exactly like yours too, except no cute labels. Am so fed up with plastic, and it's so much easier to find things when you can see them. Have a good week.

  3. Cant believe this... I have literally just spent the last two hours emptying out, wiping out, throwing out and filling back up my pantry! Great minds think alike!

  4. Love all the jars. I was given a whole heap of tupperware containers as well, but I am thinking that glass jars will be the go - at least you know they are sealed properly when you close them. Some of those tupperware containers are hard for the kids to shut!

    loving all your photos


  5. Your images are beautiful. Tupperware must be some kind of 'right of passage'. When I moved out of home to get married I was given two big sets of tupperware. Your glass jars are much nicer though. I love that you can see all of the beautiful colours and textures of what's inside. Happy days to you. Melinda x

    P.S. thank-you for popping into my blog and leaving me a comment :)

  6. Your glass containers and labels look great. I am making slow moves away from plastic (decor rather than Tupperware, though).

    Wow, our family had a meteor. It seemed so cool back then...

  7. Nothing looks better in a pantry than rows and rows of big glass jars. My pantry is total chaos at the moment, you may have just inspired me to get in there and attempt some kind of organisation :)

  8. We are lucky to have an enormous pantry and I too, have filled it with glass jars of all shapes and sizes (I adore an eclectic mix). My mum always had a cupboard full of jars and I've managed to thrift all of mine...It feels much better to store food in glass than plastic, right? x

  9. I love all those glass jars. Before I moved out of home, my mother hosted the Tupperware Party of the century! I ended up with a lifetime of Tupperware. Still being used now! I keep updating the split lids, and now have four different blues (because of the continual change of colours). But I'm finding that lovely glass jars (mine are matching, well, because of OCD) are taking over the nuts and dried fruit shelves.

    They might just take over too... but not sure how to store all those huge items like baking flour. Still undecided.

    Your tags are delightful. I think that your pantry is so inspiring that more cooking might be in store in your home ;) xx

  10. Snap to pantry organisation! Have bee doing the same over the last few weeks. We've used mostly glass jars but have finally taken the leap to basically a plastic free home including lunch boxes, leftover containers in the fridge and no more glad wrap. Loving you gorgeous labels. I made some clay ones (yours would have been much quicker!) cause all those different flours can confuse a girl mid baking session. Oh to have a potter around your home :) x

  11. thank you for your beautiful comment. Your blog is fantastic! Lovely photographs and thoughtful posts. Im obsessed with those alphabet stamp sets too, they are so handy for everything crafty :)


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