
Tuesday, January 22

mastering skills

My children have always shared my passion for cooking and involvement.  The other day my son announced that he would be cooking dinner.  He chose what to cook, he wanted very little assistance and even insisted that he could lift the trays in and out of the oven.  Whilst I'm no perfectionist (especially in the kitchen) I held back and watched....the dough was made and he watched with eager eyes waiting for it to rise.  He set up his little rolling/cutting station and selected the ingredients from the fridge. As the mushrooms were cut in chunks, the cheese taking painstakingly long to master grating and the sauce dripping over the edges...his sense of achievement was palpable.   Whilst his creation was cooking in the oven he diligently set the table and then called us all to dinner.  As a rule our children generally ask the adults to leave the table when finished their meal....that night we asked our chef when we finished his meal and he was delighted that there was not one bit left. 

A lesson for both child and parent.  

Do your children surprise you with skills they have mastered? 
How do you feel when they do? 

Don't forget, this is your last chance to enter the Weetbix Giveaway!  


  1. Oh my gosh - send him to mine! I'd love homemade pizza for dinner!

  2. Oh Snap!!! What a crack up. I'm giggling my head off, and looking sort of loony at our brilliant (and ever so similar) minds!

    Your pizza does somewhat look more amazing than ours though. I'm sure you helped ;)

    Love your work Brenda! xx

  3. Oh, I'm so proud of J. He is a junior master chef. Just re-read your post, and just look at his proud face. So adorable! x

  4. What a magic thing for him to do! And to have beautiful parents who encourage such discoveries. They really don't see helping out around the house as chores do they?! Perhaps a regular Saturday night dinner I think. Beautiful boy :) x

  5. So lucky!
    Great pizza, great chef!!

  6. I love seeing kids in the kitchen and love even more that you are encouraging him Brenda :)

    We have always encouraged our children to cook and as a result they each have quite an extensive recipe base now of items they can cook/bake. Our oldest three will often offer to make dinner and I am certainly not one to refuse. I like knowing that once they leave home they will be more than capable of cooking for themselves.


  7. such a sweet boy ... and that pizza looks delicious! well done x

  8. Oh I love this. My Zoe shares a passion for cooking and baking too. If she gets wind of me being in the kitchen, a second later she is right behind me with her stool, climbing up to see what's going on and how she can be involved.

    What a gorgeous little man you have there. xx

  9. Gorgeous photos. Well done to the chef and well done mum!

  10. What gorgeous photos! Dinner looked very yummy too. You are such a great mum, encouraging your kids to cook, I need to do it more often.


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