
Thursday, January 24

berries for jam..

Summer holidays have been spent in glorious sunshiney ways.  Berry picking was so much fun that we indulged in the delight on more than one occasion.  The first time the raspberries and blueberries were bursting off their vines and bushes.  The cherries were so plump, that we first filled our bellies and then our buckets.

We went again this week however, after the crowds had come and the warm weather Mother Nature had delivered the berries were not so easily harvested.  So we wandered down paths labelled with names not so familiar.  Waldo, Bramble and Boysenberries were discovered with eager delight.

Their deep intense colours of purple-y blues, and red and the sharp tangy sweetness were enjoyed by all.

We picked and tried, with only a little selection but still enough for some jam.  This recipe has become my favourite.  Use it for berries, it will not disappoint.  Of course you can use less or more lemon and you don't have to add the hull during cooking if you don't want to, but it does add a delightful acidic tang.  Cook in small batches to retain all that goodness, flavour and superior colour!

:: 1 kilo of mixed berries
:: 750gm of caster sugar
::  Juice of one lemon, keep the juiced hull

Over a medium heat with a heavy saucepan, place the cleaned berries and sugar and stir till dissolved.  Add the juice and the cut lemon pieces and bring to a rolling boil.  Remove any foam if you like and continue to simmer until it becomes sticky (about 15 minutes).  Test by dropping a tea spoon of jam on a plate that has been in the freezer.  If it sets, then your done...otherwise cook for another five minutes.  Remove the lemon pieces and pour hot jam into freshly sterilised jars.

Enjoy on toast, scones or dollop liberally on greek yoghurt and fresh apple!


creative wonderland here 


  1. Awesome!! I have very fond memories of blackberry picking as a child...Dad used to find us tramping through wild blackberry bushes. We then enjoyed jam and blackberry sauce!!

  2. There really is nothing better then homemade jam. Looks delish!

  3. Enjoy on toast... just hand me the spoon and I'll eat that straight from the jar!!!

  4. Oh yum. And to pick the berries yourself first... wow!


  5. I have been desperately wanting to take our children fruit picking but there don't seem to be any orchards/farms close enough.
    Homemade jam is the best and yours like delicious!!

  6. There's nothing like homemade jam! I have been meaning to take my kids berry picking for the last 2 - 3 summers and after reading this - i think i really must just do it!

  7. This looks like heaven! The day...and the jam! Just beautiful. Wishing you a gorgeous long weekend lovely friend :) x


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