
Monday, January 21

weekly stills

Our final week with all of us on holidays is coming to a close.  I know it will still feel a little bit holiday mode right up till School and Kinder start, but it's been oh so lovely having....absolutely no routine, work or appointments.  Just one glorious day after the other. And when the weather hasn't bee too hot, I must say most of our adventures happen outdoors.....

1. My trusty apprentice (scantily clad) doing much baking...
2. The two of them spent quiet time at the local library making craft then enjoying them all afternoon
3. A thrifted embroidery cloth, some necklaces and earrings
4. Her bike....those streamers
5.  In such excitement to get to the swing, there is no time to remove ones helmet
6.  Me (one out of focus, one in focus) - teaching my husband the art of shooting on Manual too
7, 8 and 9 - My trusty collection of necessities for a twlight market, setting up is always so much fun,

Joining in this lovely lady 

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a chance to win a years supply of weetbix! 


  1. Lovely photos! I love the vintage finds:)

  2. I love them too, especially the streamers and market pix, love all the colours. Happy week Brenda xx

  3. I adore peeking into your beautiful world lovely Bren! And that shot of you....gorgeous!!! Yay for twilight markets, it's the perfect time of year for them. WIshing you happy, gentle days with your beloveds :) x

  4. love it, your pictures and style are wonderful, now following xxx

  5. Love your weekly stills. My three year old does that too - can't wait to get on the swing. At least they're prepared if anything goes wrong!

    Love the twilight markets, and your setting up. I think that might just be the best part!

    Happy holidays. We are heading to Port Fairy again for the long weekend. Can. Not. Wait! x


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx