
Monday, November 26

spring clean

I've done some much needed spring cleaning on my blog.  Can you tell?  It was prompted by a much needed lifeline offer from a dear friend to help with making a new blog header (something that frightens the techno-phobic nerves in my body)....

So whilst I was thinking what type of new blog header to create, I started cleaning the shelves, tidying up a bit, putting things in different spots and really asking if all these accessories were relevant and required.

Then, I had a bash and doing a new blog header and worked!'s only taken about two and half years of blogging to finally work out all the technical bits (read: fluke!)

What do you think?  Do you like the new look MiraNarnie?  And what do you think makes for a really pleasant blog format??


  1. Looks good lovey. Only changed mine recently too. All those scary coded looking things freak me out - blog widths and crap! Arrgghh!

  2. I noticed your new blog header instantly Brenda and it looks awesome. I love a streamlined blog that isn't too busy and yours fits the bill perfectly.

  3. Looks fantastic gorgeous girl! And clever you for navigating the html world. Love, love, love it! Hope all is lovely xx

  4. I like it. A good spring clean always feels good, makes things feel fresh and new again. I think clean and simple makes a good blog format, nothing too busy so it doesn't detract from all of the lovely things being shared. xx

  5. It looks gorgeous and might just be the inspiration I need to change mine!

  6. It looks gorgeous and might just be the inspiration I need to change mine!

  7. You did your own header! I'm so proud!!! While I will miss that little header we created together so long ago, I LOVE your new blog look. Yay, Bren! x

  8. Love your new header - you blog looks clean and fresh - love it! xo

  9. Lovng the new look Brenda. I think plain and simple is the way to go.


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx