
Tuesday, November 27

iPad fabric envelope tutorial

I've wanted a groovy little case for my iPad for like ever and the other day I finally set out to make one. Taken from oodles of inspiration from Pinterest I decided on an envelope style so that, when it's not in use for my iPad, it could be a great document or notes carrier! 

Below I show you what you'll need to whip up one of your own. 

Take some fabric of your choice.  For this project you'll need two types, one for the outer and the other for the lining.  Cut a square of each 36cm x 36 cm.

So then you'll have something that looks like this.  (mind you could iron your fabric before photographing it if you choose!) 

Lay them right sides facing and sew around the edge leaving a 6mm seam allowance and a small gap in one side to turn the right way out. 

Once you've done that, clip the corners and turn the right way out and give a little press with your iron. 
Position your iPad in the centre on a 45 degree angle so as to then work out your envelope seams. 
 An easy way to do this I found was to turn your piece with your outer fabric ontop.  Place the iPad in the centre and join the three triangle peices together with pins.  This will ensure the right fit.  Remember do allow a little give as you don't want to be queezing your iPad into a pair of skin tight jeans!

take the iPad out and carefully stitch these two seams together

Turn the right way out and this is what it should look like. Now for securing the top flap to the rest. Initially I was going to use a press stud, but thought that might not be ideal having something you have to push down hard on when a iPad could be inside.   
So I opted for some hat elastic at the tip of the flap and a decorative button at the bottom of the envelope.  Given the elastic was not sewn in, I covered up the exposed tails with a bit of felt attached with visoflex.  The little metal plate hides the stitching on the top and the button was hand sewn on. 

Now your iPad will be fancy dressed whenever out and about!  Or make some up as Christmas gifts..would be ideal for that difficult uncle or brother that seems to lurk on the bottom of the shopping list! 

I've added a tutorial button to the top of my blog.  I'm hoping that will give me the inspiration to fill that page full of wonderful how-to's! 

happy days


  1. YOu are too clever for words! Love it!

  2. Ohhh he grey you're a clever duck! Love the grey and yellow fabric! xo

  3. Oh this is brilliant and something I am in desperate need of after cracking my screen.

  4. I so want one now - what a fabulous make and very eye catching too.

    Nina x

  5. wow you are so clever!


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