
Wednesday, November 28

the book {what type are you?}

I love reading.  It's a lovely relaxing hobby of mine when I'm not stitching, sewing or baking.

Earlier this year I was a bit perplexed about my Reading List and how long it was getting.  I wouldn't be half way through a book without having had added five more to the list.  It was growing at incredible speed that really something had to be done.

I embarked on a Challenge.  Yep, that was all good and most days I was managing, somedays not and sometimes finding myself perched on the couch at 2am after a solid reading session.

Todays version of a book is oh so vast and different.  Where once you could only hold the paper or hardback variety, now the options are endless and millions of books are within reach without even heading out your door (or into a bookshop! Gasp!).  I must admit that the ibooks do have their benefits and learnt this last year whilst overseas.  I allowed myself one book...thinking surely I wont have time to read, but a few glorious sessions at the beach whilst the kids played contently it was finished.  Finding an book in English in a European country was like trying to find a jar of Vegemite at the local deli, so I promptly downloaded and book on my iPad and I was a happy traveller once again.

Over the last few months though I've adapted my reading style.  There is just not enough time in the day to read as much as I would like, but I can listen.  Yes, yes, the audio book. I've dowloaded a simple little App on my iPhone that allows me to listen to (at my leisure) a book.  The idea first came to me whilst driving home from night shift....the radio was just not cutting it.....  And so it started.

I still read real books don't worry...

But the beauty of an audio book is that you can read listen whilst folding the washing, cooking dinner, mopping the floor, exercising, driving and even sewing (yes it definitely beats the sound of the Janome going full pelt!).  I'm knocking off some classics via audio books, so The Great Gatsby, Northanger Abbey, Jane Eyre and Tess of the D'urbervilles have all been crossed of the list.  Is that cheating I wonder or multi-tasking?   I've even noticed my library* now stock a huge range of new relase audio books...perhaps I'm onto something! 

Tell me do you listen to a book? 
What do you prefer? The olde worlde kind, the new age kindle or iPad variety?

*you borrow the the audio transmitter and attach your own headphones and battery.  I checked for fear that it came with its own set of headphones (ewwww!) 


  1. I've never even thought about audio books! Fabulous idea. What app are you using? Are they expensive?

  2. Audio book sounds like a great idea- I've only done that in the past with children's books_ I might give it a try.

  3. I am definitely all for the old style of can't quite bet turning the pages and I find reading the written word really draws me into the story in a way that listening/watching just doesn't seem to do.

  4. I am really really un-techie but I love the idea of an audio book. I would prefer that to listening to the radio. I love a good pile of books next to my bed even if I hardly ever get round to reading them - I have good intentions! xo P.S. Great multi-tasking !!

  5. I am old school. I tried ebooks but prefer the old paper book on the odd occasion I have time to read. Audiobooks and multitasking sound like a good idea that I will need to look into.

  6. love audio books! the best for mums on the run. lovely thought provoking post again Brenda!


  7. I used to have a long commute and an old car with only a tape deck.. I plundered my local library for books on tape for a few years and it saved me from extreme boredom and road rage many a time.

  8. I LOVE the audio book and it was you that got me thinking about reading iBooks! Which I now do during all of those mindless activities. I can't believe how much I've read since starting. It's my new 'music' in the car too. xx

  9. My kids love a good audio book (the jungle book read by Eartha Kitt is fabulous) but I've never really got into them
    Loved my kindle when on holiday (luggage allowance!) but I'm a "have to hold and read a book before bed girl"


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