
Friday, November 23

this week

Some weeks I don't feel like I achieve much beyond the bear minimum...with drop off, pick ups, week day dinners, after school activities, meetings and work.  It's also the added madness that comes with the end of the year, so I'm not surprised I feel like I'm chasing my tail.

But as I look back at some of the photos I snapped this week, I'm reminded that the simple things are the extras that make the week a little special...

~ crafting preparation for a project next week
~ some clay necklaces made by the kids and finished off with some leather now all hanging together
~ a soda bread and polenta
~ a sneak peek at an impromptu project that hopefully I will make into a tutorial (no sonia, it's not the tablecloth!)
~ admiring the gorgeous growth in our purple carrots
~ getting super excited about my first lemons
~ and what would be a week in our life, if time was not spent swinging through the breeze

...what did you get up to this week?
Do you need to remind yourself that you did achieve loveliness and goodness?

Joining in over at the Beetle Shack! 


  1. oh, having a barely trudging through week over here! and that's without working :/ your images a re gorgeous, they really show that you have achieved a great deal through the week. have a great day! :)sarah

  2. Um, ok. But I'll have a necklace please, a slice of that polenta business and whatever you are making in that lovely grey and yellow fabric in a 12 to 14! Cheers, xxx

  3. That's the best thing I found about blogging. Being able to look back and see that amongst the chaos things have actually been achieved and created. You have been created a whole lot of gorgeousness!! Love love the necklaces and they would go brilliantly with something made with that fabric.

  4. This week was an unusually busy one for me with a few late night sessions finishing off dresses for a photo shoot and planning a 40th birthday evening with friends..overall I had the most wonderful of weeks but boy am I glad it's Sunday.
    My daughter and I finally purchased some sculptey for her to make her beads with and no doubt with Christmas beackoning and handmade gifts planned there won't be many moments of quiet in the weeks to come.
    Gorgeous pics Brenda, thanks for the glimpse into your week.

  5. Lovely pics. Love that fabric ... not sure if that is the project you mentioned but look forward to seeng it.

  6. Oh those carrots do look exciting!

    I feel like I've been doing the bare minimum for quite some time now, I def need the little reminder that loveliness can be found in my day to day.

  7. Looks like you had a super productive week :) Makes me look like a slacker haha. Just found your blog and glad I did :)
    Ellen xx

  8. How good are those necklaces! love them. I also love that fabric. I look forward to seeing what you make with it.
    I agree with you. It's nice to look back at the snaps from the week, and think that its the simple things that make it special.
    Have a great week this week xo

  9. soda bread recipe..?

    love the yellow and grey pattern too; and your new look around here x

  10. Oh - I want purple carrots too
    Love the necklaces - clever kids
    And the fabric project looks cool too

  11. What a delightful week you had! I adore the colours you seem instinctively drawn to. And that girl of yours is all sorts of lovely x x

  12. The glimpse into your week is a lovely one.

  13. Having those trudging moments over here too, but your photos just brightened my morning hun xx

  14. Having those trudging moments over here too, but your photos just brightened my morning hun xx

  15. we've been making things with FIMO too! I'm about to post the results :)

    xo em

  16. Beautiful things. And yes, it's good to be reminded of the good things, and the many things we've achieved. Sometimes it just feels like a version of Groundhog Day every day!

    Soda bread and polenta? YUM!

  17. Beautiful things. And yes, it's good to be reminded of the good things, and the many things we've achieved. Sometimes it just feels like a version of Groundhog Day every day!

    Soda bread and polenta? YUM!


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx