
Monday, November 12

Monday snippets

 Last week Victoria enjoyed a public holiday for a horse race that stops a Nation.  Well, we decided to take a whole week off so we packed the kids up to spend some time in the country.  Time off school, time off work and no routine (as such) was meet with very agreeably.

We lazed about, went for many walks.
Drank water from their favourite fountains and
Enjoyed roof tops and rising early with nowhere to go
Watched from a window with a view
Even the washing was fun
I found myself a nice cozy chair for day time reading
A festival was on...of a Celtic nature so they closed the streets and put on a show
We enjoyed the drum beats and bag-pipes
and giggled at the men in skirts.

Do you like to make a public holiday last a bit longer than it should?


  1. what a nice idea! Lovely collection of pictures you have here. x

  2. What a beautiful holdiay! Nothing quite beats the spontaneous, pack everything last minute kind of getaway. Your little holiday house look quirky and heavenly. Hope your week is a gorgeous one. Steph :) x

  3. Lovely part of the world Beechworth! Visited once before kids in winter and it was amazing.
    We'd love to make a public holiday last a bit longer but hubby's job just can't do that... sigh.

  4. Beautiful photos - the sky in the second pink looks gorgeous, like fairy floss!
    Glad you had some time out, away from the daily grind, sounds like it was good for the soul! x

  5. It sounds like so much fun Brenda, taking time of work and school to be with one another and enjoy these simple moments are such treasures. We don't make our public holidays last longer, it's been a while since we've been away, perhaps we should follow your lead:) xx

  6. What a gorgeous time! We didn't go anywhere on Cup Day, never do, but pottered around the place, collecting home memories.

  7. nice little peek at the bach x i'd stay there forever :)

  8. What a fabulous week-long long weekend you had. I love Beechworth, and it seemed to fill up on this long weekend! We too escaped the city and headed to central Victoria. It was glorious!


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