
Tuesday, November 13

At our table...

For the past few months I have changed the way we dine.

I used to serve up all our dinner at the kitchen and everyone would receive their plate with their allocted food on it.

I've changed things up and realised that my old way of serving dinner was just not conducive to a happy meal time.

Now....all the parts of the meal are lovingly placed into the centre of the table.  One or both the children share in setting the table, putting out the empty plates, the old jar with our cutlery, handmade napkins and condiments.

I am adjusting the way I cook too.  Smaller quantities but more variety...always some vegetables or a salad or even both. Some fresh bread may be added to a meal, or day old bread turned into bruschetta in the oven.   Leftovers are added to the table to for someone to polish off or are even creatively turned into something else.

Now my family are in charge of what they add on their plate.  Encouraged to try but not forced.  They determine if they want more.  There is an exchange of we all help ourselves or help each other.

The change has made for real family affair.  Dinner is an event where we are all together, as a family.  We come together to nurture our bodies to discuss our day and relish the time spent together.

How do you do your family meals?


  1. This is lovely Brenda. I dish everyones up in the kitchen and then hand out as you used to do. I'm going to try your way tonight and see how it goes. Elaina xo

  2. Dinner time has become precious in our home and while it was the one meal that we all enjoyed together, with our two big boys working long shifts now, we rarely get the opportunity to eat together.
    While cooking dinner our middle two often help in some way and recently we have been encouraging Kaizer to help set the table. Like you I much prefer to place all food on the table for us each to help ourselves...I find there is much less wastage this way.


  3. I so wish jay got home in time for us to do this too .... maybe once the kids are a wee bit older and can wait !! i'll not miss two dinner shifts thats for sure x big loves

  4. your description is perfect! this is what we have been doing lately. i have found we are all more respectful of the food when we serve up like this. totally worth washing a few extra bowls! :)sarah

  5. I must say that since you suggested this at our last catch up, that I've been truly inspired. It's a bit more effort, but I feel that the family get to choose what they like. The only downside is ensuring the kids don't eat too much savoury, and eat their vegies, but other than that, it's such a fabulous thing to do! I love the way you worded it: "Coming together to nurture our bodies..." beautiful!

  6. And I didn't even mention how much I love that tablecloth! x

  7. What a gorgeous post Brenda. It is exactly these small changes that have a huge and lasting impact. I do a list of links on a Friday on my blog I am going to include this post in my links I think it will be inspiring to many x

  8. This is great. I think I need to more of this. We often have a battle at the dining table. Lovely x

  9. We do exactly the same here lovely one. You've painted such a lovely image of it! I wish I could come to dinner at your lovely home. WIshing you a beautiful Wednesday.
    Steph :) xx

  10. Lovely. We always ate together from shared dishes growing up. However, I am still serving up an early dinner for the kids before B gets home from work, followed by an adults dinner a couple of hours later when they are in bed. On the weekends we occasionally have an early "family dinner". The tone is always calmer and more pleasant. I am looking forward to the shift to (slightly) later bedtimes so we can eat together regularly.

  11. we do it around the table, properly set, with lots of talk about the good things that happened today.

    Great looking tablecloth Bren!


  12. Meal time is such an important time in our home where we all sit down together. Miss 8 puts out the cutlery while Miss 13 puts out the placemats and coasters. I usually serve up most meals but if we have salad it's something we always put on the table for us all to serve ourselves. I love the sound of what you do perhaps I could try a few more meals where everyone can serve their own. Thank you for the inspiration.x

  13. We tend to do the buffet style thing too. Though I usually dish pasta up. I was brought up in a house where dinner was always dished up and there was never any left over. Hubbies family always had a lot, and I mean a lot (!) of food on the table. I think we sit somewhere in the middle. By the way, love the tablecloth!

  14. Such a lovely setting. We do the same here too. I love how it gives the meal a sense of occasion and puts everyone in a lighter mood. We recently added candles to the dinner table. It's still light when we eat, but the gentle flicker of the flame is soothing and pretty.
    Have a lovely week.


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