
Thursday, November 15

getting our craft on {my creative space}

Crafty-ness seems to comes in waves in this house.  It's full steam ahead...all systems go...five hundred and seventy three projects going on OR there is nothing.  At the moments it's the former.  I've got motivation, assistance, piles of fabric and craft boxes oozing with goodness that are constantly being turned into something!  Not to mention some invitations to some lovely craft markets over the next few months.  It's the most loveliest form of flattery...them ringing you asking if you will exhibit at their market!

I'm attempting a handmade approach to Christmas presents this year, so am hopefully giving myself plenty of time to get things in place.  So this week has seen us already embark on Christmas Craft for the kids....some fabric covered baubles (see copious amounts of modge podge!).   I've started making napkins for teacher gifts and my friend and I have booked in a jam making session in the next few weeks.

I am hoping to make myself a few items as well and even get some tutorials posted here on the blog.  Am I in over my head?  who knows...but like always..crafty-ness has to be close to crazy-ness!

Are you planning to make Christmas gifts?
When it rains creativity at yours, does it pour? 

Well it's pouring with creativity at this lovely spot! 



  1. oh how cool, being invited to market! yes, i am going the handmade route again, it was so rewarding last year. i think i will be putting some jam on next week, too- going to try orange-whiskey marmalade, hic! :)sarah

  2. Oh it certainly does pour here...I'm an all or nothing girl too and either have a million projects on the go or zilch!

    Awesome news on being invited to do some markets Brenda...good luck on preparing for those.


  3. I'm a bit like you Brenda at the moment, too many projects on the go it's making my head spin at the moment but I have to say I really have fun making them and buying the supplies for them too:) Congratulations on being invited to go to the markets, you would have felt chuffed. xx

  4. Homemade jam, rum balls and bodyscrub are the plan for this years handmade Christmas treats. Elaina xo

  5. Ooh, they're pretty Chrissy balls, hon. Your handmade Christmas is going to be beautiful! x

  6. I almost drown when creativity strikes! LOve it though!! Yay to your market invitations though I'm not the slightest bit surprised. And I'm pinching that bauble idea too lovely friend. WIshing you the loveliest of Fridays,
    Steph : xx
    P.S. Thanks so much for my beautiful birthday messages. You made my heart sing x

  7. They are so lovely! I'm busting to get all chrismassy around here!
    I hope you and your little girl have recovered from yesterdays fright at the pool..x

  8. Oh loving looking at all your craft-i-ness! Not much happening in around here I'm afraid - lots of motivation and inspiration - but the time keeps getting eaten up by other things (esp. a cute 5 month old who is cutting some teeth!). Those baubles look great - did you get them at Spotty?



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