
Friday, November 9

A stylish breakfast affair

Ok so a few weeks ago....My daughter and I were invited along to a Blog Connect event organised by Keep Left and sponsored by Weetbix, Tassals Salmon and Bakers' Delight.   To be quite honest I thought I was going along to bit of cooking demo...something where I didn't have to do much, perhaps try some yummy food and learn a few new techniques.

But no.

I had to cook.  Two dishes.  In about 45 minutes.  And we were judged.

Yeah.  No pressure!

So the key was to come up with a two breaky dishes (one sweet one savoury) using the core ingredients by the sponsors.  Given my little apprentice could not be coaxed into the kids area, she was adamant that pancakes be cooked for our "sweet" option.  Once they were made (with a sneaky crushed up weetbix in the mixture for extra points!) and then devoured by said apprentice I had little time to make my second savoury dish.

With not much time and a daughter whos patience was now running a little thin, I quickly poached an egg, used the Bakers' Delight bread topped with some avocado, Tassals Salmon and got my creative apprentice to sprinkle zest of lemon and chopped up dill all over the egg...we hurriedly presented it to the judges.

What do you know... our dish won for Food Style Award!

I made the dish again (to check it really wasn't a fluke) and so that I could actually get to eat it and enjoy it.

You should try it.  Whats your favourite Stylish Breakfast Dish?



  1. Poached egg, salmon and avocado on toast!!! I'm inviting myself over for breakfast right now!!! Delicious!

  2. Oh boy..I don't like cooking under pressure but it sounds like you did a splendid job. I am rather intrigued by the way you poach your you always poach them that way?
    Congrats on your award :)

  3. That looks so good! I think I could eat that every morning and never tire of it. Elaina xo

  4. salmon, eggs and avocado is breakfast perfection!

  5. ohhh yummmmm!! croissant are my weakness x

  6. I don't know how you did it! I would have faltered under the pressure! But you rose to the occasion, you clever chickie!

    Well done on your award. Did you win a year's worth of weetbix?


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx