
Thursday, May 17

My creative space {a cape}

When you're children adoringly look at you and ask those precious word it's hard not to oblige. Lately my daughther had been asking I make her something.

 "what would you like?" I ask
There were a few random suggestions and a request for more skirts (she had more skirts than days to wear them!)

So when she came across this little poppet sporting a wonderful cape she was decided. A little girly trip to spotty to pick out fabric of her choice (with a little guidance from mum!) and we were set.

 She wanted me to make it straight away and so began transferring the pattern and cutting and sewing.

My skills at "imaginary enlarging of pattern from book" must be non existent and the pressure added by an impatient customer added to my woes. The dimensions of the neck of the cape and the joining of the hood all required a bit of imagination...but my little miss just wanted it finished!  So it's definitely not the perfect cape (sorry Steph!)

It's a lovely girly pink fabric with wonderful little flowers and the reverse is a yellow and pink check. So some bright yellow ribbon for ties and the cape was done. Pity she was not so happy when I decided to take some pictures!!

Pattern by this very clever gal, in the great handmade living book!

For a whole lot of creativity we could fill several volumes - head over here


  1. Oh my gosh, it's bloody adorable! That grouchy face reminds me of a small girl who lives in this house... reluctant models!

  2. Awwww... how beautiful is your girl and that cape. Such lovely shots. Stunning. So very very adorable indeedy. Lovely. I'm gushing.

  3. Capes seem to be required winter wear this season. I think she looks adorable. x

  4. M looks simply adorable in that cape. It's hard to work under that sort of pressure, but it does seem you did brilliantly!!!


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