
Tuesday, May 15

Skirt Sew Along {a winter skirt}

 I set myself a goal this year to make more clothes for myself.  Alas, I was motivated enough to buy some yummy scrummy fabric but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why that gorgeous fabric wasn't turning itself into equally stunning garments for me to sashay about in.

This is were Cam from Curlypops stepped in and gave us all fabric hoarders a wonderful challenge for May!  A skirt sew-a-long!

With some gorgeous wool suiting bought on sale at spotty and the most frustrating Burda Skirt Pattern I think I own, I set to the task of making me a winter skirt!  I measured myself, and cut the pattern, I read and read and read that pattern until my eyes were bulging out of my head, that is how difficult Burda patterns are to read (please tell me I'm not alone!).  It seemed I measured myself incorrectly or that the measurements are just plan wrong, because I spent more time adjusting the skirt than in making it!

For this self taught sewer, I am pleased with my results.  I decided on giving this skirt two splits, instead of one (as per the pattern) given that I didn't make the skirt quite as mid thigh length as was suggested. I do love the pocket though (Cam you will be happy!) although next time I'll use a lighter fabric as the pocket lining as the wool is a little bulky when you add an extra two layers for a pocket on your hip!

It's the perfect Melbourne Winter Skirt!

Thanks Cam!


  1. Gorgeous!!! I love the fabric and the two spilts look fab! Clever you. I bet you live in it. Hope all is snuggly in your world :) xxx

  2. Nice!!

    I purchased Cam's A-Line skirt pattern after seeing her skirt last week. Watch this space! x

  3. I'm always unpicking something when I sew, it wouldn't be made by me otherwise.
    Looks great and yes I love the double split.

  4. Eeeek! It's gorgeous. I totally and utterly love it!
    Aren't those patterns absolutely frustrating though - it's not just you. I have the exact same problem. I read, and read, and re-read and re-read and nothing ever makes sense.

    The added pocket is the icing on the cake!

  5. Fantastic! Love the double split, it looks much more balanced and comfy.I find Burda patterns fiddly too. Excellent result.

  6. LOVE IT Brenda!!! Skirts & boots = my fave! I've finally got a huge sewing mojo here, taking over my life, I don't want to cook or clean or anything except SEW! Going slow though as sewing for me is kinda new... but I did order a few fab Sewaholic patterns and a Colette blouse pattern (have my eye on one of their dress patterns too) so let's see how I go! xoxo

  7. Oh... Anything you make, no matter how many unpicks sure does impress me! I think I see like Mandy, but am too fussy to wear something that is less than perfect - hopeless with my imperfections!! That skirt sure does look cozy though, and the one thing I would do is stitch up that pocket! The one thing I do do to my pants/skirts!!! Xx


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