
Friday, May 18

Lemon Meringue Cupcakes

Ok,  So I came across this recipe whilst wasting away such precious hours on Pinterest from this gorgeous blog.  I would easily say this is one recipe that once made looks way more impressive than the time taken to make them!  All up - I'd say I spent 20 minutes at it, and that included baking time!   I love anything lemon but am not really a fan on meringue but gave it ago and wow-ee this packs a punch!  So going to whip these babies up when I next have dinner guests!!!

Here is what you need.... 

200g shortbread biscuits
3 eggs, separated
1 can sweetened condensed milk
zest and juice of 1 lemon
1/3 cup of caster sugar
This is what you do....
1. Preheat oven to 180C (350F). And line 12 holes of a muffin tray with papers.
2. Smash shortbread with a rolling pin in a bag or whizz in the food processor until you have coarse crumbs. Divide crumbs between the muffin trays.
3. Combine egg yolks, condensed milk, lemon juice and zest in a bowl and place on top of the crumb bases.
4. Whisk egg whites until stiff. Gradually add sugar and continue to beat for a few more minutes until the sugar is dissolved.
5. Spoon whites on top of the lemon filling.
6. Bake for 10 minutes or until the meringue is golden. Cool before serving.

And before you've had time to flick the kettle on and lick the remnants of condensed milk these babies will be done. 



  1. A mere 20 minutes for that beauty? That's my kinda recipe! x

  2. You had me at 20 minutes - as soon as those lemons ripen on the tree, this will get a run!!

  3. I have had the pleasure of tasting these "little bites of heaven" as I call them...just when I think Brenda couldn't impress me in any other way, she raises the bar even higher!!! Definately worth making and if you are lucky enough to taste them your world will be a better place!! Thanks for inspiring me yet again!!!! :-) Rose

  4. You had me at Lemon Meringue! HAs to be at the top of my favourite food lists! Cant believe how simple these look to make. When are you inviting us all over for morning tea???

  5. Oh yes, I could definitely see myself making these, YUMMO! xo

  6. I am drooling.......these sound divine! I am so trying them soon.

  7. I'm a fan of anything lemon too. What a clever recipe and perfect as a quick yummy dessert to make. I bet my oldest would be happy to whip these up one weekend, might have to ask her to give them a try:) xx

  8. Being a huge fan of lemon these are on my to-bake this week :)

  9. Oh my!! Im loving all the pinterest recipes and think I've pinned the same baby!! I'm making this very soon now it's been given the Brenda's seal of approval!! Xxxx


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