
Monday, May 28

Read, reading, next

Fifty Shades of Grey

Another installment of my book reading for you's been good reading here.  Do you think reading is a good Winter Sport?  Something that can happen more often when the weather is dreary, the days are shorter and quite simply....what's better than a cuppa, a blanket, warm fire and a book?  So what's been ticked off my list so far...

Freudian Slip - Marion Von Alderstein
I loved the era this book was set it.  It reminded me of that mini series they did on Ita Buttrose and the birth of the magazine Cosmo. All the glorious 60's fashion and women making a mark for themselves in corporate world.  It was slow in parts, but the author, who has extensive experience in the copywright industry made all of this just work.

Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L James
Well ladies, I'm not too sure how much to reveal about this one??  I picked this book up on a whim standing in line at Kmart or the like.  I flipped it over, read the back....hmmm innocent romantic novel....that'll do.  Well hold onto your knickers girls...This is not your average girl meets boy novel.  You're in for a bumby ride full of domination, control, bondage, whips and chains, secrets, and psychological desires.  Don't say I didn't warn you (or that there are two follow up novels - which of course are now on my "must read" list!)

Persuasion - Jane Austen
After the book above a girl has to take stock and regroup.  Nothing like a good Austen novel to do that.

Fifty Shades Darker - E.L James I dare!

What's on your list?
Have you joined the Fifty Shades hype?
And do you read more in Winter?

Happy Reading


  1. Yep, I read it and thought it was... surprising!! x

  2. hey neighbour, how you doin? I wouldn't mind getting hold of that 50 shades of grey, feel like i'm the last person on the planet to read it !!

  3. I'm on the list to get it from a friend...but I'm about #10 so it'll be a while!!
    Always love some Austen

  4. Ooh, you've submitted to the series! My step daughter was visiting on the weekend and guess what she was reading??? Yep, 50 shades... She's passing it onto me next and I can't wait to read the best trash since the twilight series!!! Seems like its sucked you right in too!! Love that you're still reading!!

  5. Ohhh Fifty Shades! I'm almost finished the last in the trilogy!! Apparently this book is causing quite the controversy amongst some bloggers who are very against the content...
    Anyhoo.... 'hold on to your knickers' definitely sums it up!! haha XO Beck

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