
Friday, February 3

the greatest love story....

Source: via Brenda on Pinterest

Source: via Brenda on Pinterest

But when the movie ends and the credits roll....

the greatest love still goes on.

Happy wonderful 11 years of marriage to my beautiful, amazing and inspiring partner in life - my husband .

What's your favourite love story?  Be it fictional or real?



  1. awwww, what a lovely post! Hope you are doing something lovely to celebrate!
    Enjoy Lovely Lady xx

  2. Darling post for a darling couple! Happiness always, Bren and Mr Bren (I know your name somewhere in my head, but I am too tired to look for it!) xxx

  3. Oh how beautiful, this post gave me little goosebumps, just gorgeous :o)
    Love all of those movies, what a romantic I must be ;o)
    Happy Anniversary, hope you had a wonderful day xo

  4. Congrats on such a beautiful marriage! So happy you've found you're soul buddy to walk the world with. Favourite love story...mmm...besides would have to be Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy or maybe Romeo and Juliet (tragic but oh so beautiful!). :) x

  5. Eleven years - we really were married just a month apart! (We ccelebrated 11 years on 14 January!)

    I love that photograph. Soooo romantic. We all think that the movies have the best love stories, but if only we knew each one's love stories like a movie, we'd say the real ones won hands down ;)

    May there be many more sets of 11 in your marriage!



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