
Thursday, February 2

my creative space {a quick quilt}

I'm just going to say, that right from the start I doubted myself with this project.  I was astounded that within only a mere few moments one afternoon I had cut up all the required triangles....all one hundred and sixty of make the top of this quilt.

I was then even more surprised when the kids had so much fun helping me work out a bit of a random pattern and watched with eager eyes and I pinned it all together.  Even more surprising was the speed at which I all one hundred and sixty triangles were sewn together, to make eighty delightful squares, which then turned into eight equally delightful rows.  Amazing I tell you.

So amazing that the next day I high-tailed it to my favourite fabric shop ever (GJ's discount Fabrics) and splashed out in celebration with this gorgeous backing fabric and the splurge of all splurges, some ready made binding!  Ok not so much a splurge but a definite time saver.

A project that for sure I would have estimated would take me years, only took a week....A WEEK!  seriously, I didn't even pick up another craft in between.  This for me, is a first!

At the moment it sits on the end of my bed....but no doubt I will drag it to the lounge when the cooler weather comes around.

And make sure you get around this creative hub and marvel at all the wonder that you will find.

Have you surprised yourself with a crafty project??
Is it a sign I am gaining crafty maturity do you think?  By sticking at one project at a time before leaping to the next??


  1. what an impressive project. so well excuted and the result is beautiful. i would like to do a quilt too one day, but... :-)

  2. Beautiful, what a nice surprise :-)
    Sometime its the starting which takes me the longest!

  3. I love it!
    Especially that backing fabric - those colours are amazing!
    I would like to have a go at a hand tied quilt, keep putting it off!X

  4. You amazing thing! It looks gorgeous...and so you! Vibrant, eclectic yet with a hint or order, comforting and beautiful! Much love to you all :) xx

  5. Love this! My quilt took significantly longer....

  6. I'm stealing this word from other crafty folk... That's Amazeballs! Love love love it! Job well done!

  7. This is absolutely gorgeous, I am in awe of all you clever crafters across blogland. I need to teach myself how to sew :o)

  8. I LOVE that. A week? So I could possibly complete it in 6 months?

    I have no staying power... so many unfinished projects.

  9. Beautiful! Are you sure the triangle elves didn't cut some of them out for you? ;)

  10. Beautiful - Never doubt yourself again!

  11. I love the quilt. I am really bad at finishing projects. I have so many cut out, or the materials bought for. This year I am determined to finish all those UFOs.

  12. You clever thing you:) It looks beautiful. xx

  13. It really is a beautiful quilt!!

  14. This is awesome! Thanks for stopping by my blog ... now I want to make something similar to go with my colourful pillow!


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