
Monday, February 6

a dress a day....1 - 6

Day one for the last six days I've been keeping up with my challenge of wearing one (of my 29) dresses a day for the month of February.  So, given this has been the first week, it's been pretty easy.  No dress can be repeated, but then again I've had the majority to pick I am yet to feel challenged.

Although I must say some forward planning is essential.  It has made me look at the weather and also think about what I'll be doing each day.

Here is a little re-cap of how I've "dressed"  for the past six days....

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

I've only managed iPhone photos which I try and do on apologies for the crappy pictures.  But rest assured I've told enough people IRL to keep this challenge honest.   Dresses 1 and 5 are ones I hardly wear, but really should wear more often, and I love wearing the maxi (dress 2 which is was made by me) that I should make more (yes...because I really need more dresses!)  

The next week will see me challenged with picking dresses that suit working, school and kinder days and well as the weekend helping family move house!  Eek 


1 - Sportsgirl dress
2. Maxi dress - made by me
3. ASOS dress
4. French Connection with leopard scarf around the waist, Sportsgirl bag
5. Silk dress from a little boutique somewhere ?? 
6. Brown Sugar dress, worn with leggings from Sussan and singlet from Cotton On. 


  1. i can't believe how many dresses you own ... i have 3 !! probably why i bet you have never ever seen me in one even though we've been hanging out for five years .... i like number 1 and 3 xx

  2. What beautiful dresses and a smashing body to put them on too! My faves are days 1, 2 and 4 :o) xo

  3. Gorgeous!!! I particularly love the one you made...looks so lovely! My "can't have enough of them" are shoes. I buy shoes that I probably may never wear but they are just too fabulous to pass up. Wishing you a beautiful day :) x

  4. Oh, I love your dresses! My favourite one is the one you made. Just LOVE it! And I'm loving what you did with the Brown Sugar dress. One hot mama!

    I look forward to the next week and see how you manage to do all the outings in your dresses!

    So much fun!



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