
Thursday, February 9

My creative space {it's oh so handy}

With a stash of bright coloured fabric it's been on my list to get to making more key fobs. So with my little helper in tow to watch me cut, iron, sew and finish them off, she couldn't resist but pick out a few of her favourites.  I even replaced my own key fob, that had seen better days which also got me thinking....

A little flash giveaway!

Would you like an Oh So Handy Key Fob to keep your keys handy and your hands free??

I can't tell you enough how practical these little fobs are at ensuring your not searching the depths of your bag whilst at a busy car park and the kids are roaming.  Or even if you want to go for a walk and leave your bag at home, you can slip your keys over your wrist and not worry.   They are the perfect mix of practicality and fashion accessory!

So leave me a comment if you would like to enter and I'll draw a random winner on Monday 13th February.  Open to all!

And don't forget to pop on over this creative hub too!



  1. Cute! They definitely look OH SO HANDY, especially as my hands - to - children ratio are no longer even!! :P

  2. Gorgeous Bren! Love the key fobs too!

  3. Oh, I just had that experience in the WW carpark this morning. Ginger's shoes were rubbing so she wanted to be held, I had a painting I'd picked up from the repairers, a bag of groceries and I couldn't find my keys! A key fob would be great - thanks for hosting.

  4. Cute! I'm always losing my keys.

  5. i didn't even realise it was creative day!
    love your fob chain, very handy.
    hope all is well with school back for you all ♥

  6. Oh, look at your key fob model. She's adorable (as are those key fobs)!

    So cute! xx

  7. What a nifty idea-and so pretty too!

  8. I lose my keys multiple times a day. I've got them on a carabiner clip now - but these look much nicer and very handy!

  9. They're absolutely gorgeous! And they ARE the most handy addition to any bag, I LOVE mine, that a thoughtful friend gave me... I think she knew I was struggling to keep track of my keys ;o) xo

  10. Great idea. I think they are really cute and oh so useful.

  11. OOps, not sure if my comment just worked. Would love to win one and great to see how productive you have been!

  12. I love your key fobs! Mine is still going strong, might be time for a change though huh?!?


  13. Lovely idea and so pretty. Your little model there is just too cute!

  14. As you know, I am already the proud owner of a Mira Narnie key fob. It is the most fabulous creation ever. Take grocery shopping. I hang the keys on the wrist where I can access them with ease, I don't freak out at the car with all the groceries in an unsteady trolley veering off to do $1000s worth of damage to the BMW parked next to me and my keys stuck somewhere dark at the bottom of my handbag. It has changed my life. x

  15. Hullo, what a fabulous idea, especially for when i am walking the dog. the other day i had to pin my house key to my trackies. it kinda worked!

  16. You know I love you Key Fobs, I think I'm up to number 3 now!

  17. Just like Maxabella, I am also the proud owner of a wonderful Mira Narnie key fob. I absolutely love it!! Rave about it to my friends and get comments all of the time!


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx