
Tuesday, July 19

easing into it.....

I'm easing slowly back into routine here....

With a son who has four days of Kinder, Mondays are our full day together, so it was like getting a little extra day of holidays...., I'm not getting to used to the routine.....we head off on our overseas trip very, very soon!  So I think my brain is quite happy to stay in holiday mode...although the packing has me a little baffled.....

So, whilst I pack, I'm enjoying just sipping tea from this glorious op-shop find last week....with my new found favourite tea - Lady Grey!

What's your favourite tea?
What are your travel tips with kids?

ps - Don't forget about my giveaways....four of them!

You'll find
Bakers Delight Giveaway here,
doMore voucher here and
$100 myer gift card giveaway here

And the crafty goody bag here


  1. Oh yes I do enjoy a cup of Lady Grey too :) and it's even better when sipped from such a pretty cup.

    Whenever we fly with the kids I make sure they have enough activities to occupy them and lots of snacks to keep them going.


  2. School doesn't return here till next week. right now, I'm enjoying the days with the kids. It gets easier when they're older. Where are you headed off to? (I'm nosey) x

  3. I'm an english breakfast tea girl myself, and I love your new tea cup.

    STicker books and travel games are my travel hints - a 'new' toy for each hour I read somewhere.

  4. I can't get enought of T2's French Earl Grey at the moment - so lovely!

    Oh and I am not the person to ask about travel tips, we went away for the weekend and I managed to leave Master N's suitcase behind - all he had was what he had on. Total Mummy Fail!!!

  5. Oh how exciting an overseas trip.

    I could go on and on and on about tips for travel with kids but instead I would like to tell you I have a whole website dedicated to this topic.

    There is loads of real advice there, including free printables etc.

    I hope you find it useful.

  6. i have a cup like that I think!!
    i love chai, yummy honey & soy chai in the morning and a moroccan mint in the afternoon.

    hope you are back into routine soon. I did classroom helper today and actually it was good to be back.

    happy day to you lovely, lovely girl.
    big hugs ♥

  7. just normal tea for me, but don't forget my 1/4 tsp sugar ??!!?? really paula what is the point of it ;)

  8. oh flight tips, snacks, snap and surprise wrapped up little pressys ...

  9. I love quiet days and the moments of anticipating something wonderful, like that overseas trip of your family. Enjoy your lovely thoughts and the forthcoming trip, Brenda xx

  10. I love a lady grey also, but I'm all out and hubby wasn't a big fan so we are trying a few new ones this time. So at the moment Queen Anne is the flavour of the day and I have to say she is a nice black tea!

  11. Just a straight up black leaf tea for me, with a dash of milk...

    I think travelling with little ones can be brilliantly fun... it's just all in the expectations. We've found that if you go at their pace, slow down, don't expect to see everything... it works out well. We travelled to Italy when our big girl (then our only child) was about 18 months. It was fantastic - the food, the lovely child-lovin' locals... And I think I spied a beach on your recent post and mention of family? It sounds perfect. Enjoy it all you lucky girl!


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx