
Thursday, March 7

something beautiful

Amongst the daily grind of routine, schedules, to-do lists and washing - stoping to make or enjoy something beautiful is so worthwhile.  It helps invigorate the soul, to cheer us up when the chips are down and gives us that giddy feeling like we are five again and not a trouble in the world.  A few projects are always on the go...a birthday gift, a crochet cardi, the late anniversary present still "in progress" and plans I have for the kids for Easter....but time can wait for another day.

Today...just something beautiful....for no reason whatsoever...

A re-cycled tonic glass, a tulip and some snippets from the garden...a touch of twine and hung on the branches of the glorious fig tree...enjoying the dappled light...perhaps I'll make more xx 

Linking in with the lovely Kirsty over at Village Voices  



  1. Beautiful, Brenda. I can imagine many of them hanging from branches would look magical!

    I replaced the old lace curtain in our kitchen window last year with a dozen or so little glass bottles hanging by twine. I fill them with flowers & leaves each weekend. I adore seeing them every morning, & they sure do make washing the dishes easier!

    Sar xx

  2. I love dappled light. That is so beautiful. It's usually the simple things that make us smile. xx

  3. These really made me smile today. Just beautiful. Lisa x

  4. There definitely is beauty in simplicity. Love how you have captured the light in these shots Brenda.

  5. Beautiful Brenda - I feel very inspired x

  6. nothing like interrupting the flow of routine with creating!
    they are gorgeous Brenda!

    Now I wish I had a kitchen window...

    have a wonderful weekend.

  7. That's beautiful, what a lovely idea :)


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