
Monday, March 4


I'm not sad to see the end of February.  It's been a tough month...although looking back at the snaps I took, clearly I like to capture moments that make me happy.  Lucky, coz I sure needed it to bring some cheer when the going gets tough.  Do you believe life throws challenges to test your strength or make you stronger?  Either way, we've been tested and I'd like to hope we are stronger and better for it.   However, this week I am pausing to reflect on some wonderful moments captured too...

1. The brickies have started on the new house.  We're standing on the garage and that brickwork will be  covered in the most beautiful stone I've ever laid my eyes one.  Can. Not. Wait.
2. My bottles finally twinkling and shining after a dust off and a rearrangement of the dresser
3. A self portrait of my daughter, by my daughter and oh so proud to show it off.
4. Taking a dip in the lake
5. A corner of my pantry I like to look at...getting full of lovely little preserves I've been trying over summer.  I have jams, peanut butter, pickled cucumbers and beetroot, pears and figs.  The joys of homemade extending to my pantry is endless.  Next weekend we make passatta...boxes and boxes of tomatoes make into sauce to last the year.
6.  A project started on a whim after receiving the wonderful Simply Crochet from a delightful blogger (who is extremely talented in the hooking department). I've wondered many times if I've bitten off more than I can chew and am preparing myself for utter self-distruction, however, so far so good.
7.  Country Races at it's best.  This is me and my dear sister-in-law enjoying frocking up and having a littler flutter...

I hope your first weekend of March got off to a wonderful start!

Joining in with Em @ The Shack 


  1. Oh no. Challenges? Are you okay? I'm so sorry. Life just sucks sometimes!

    I can see you're still smiling through it all. That's the best attitude. You look gorgeous, and I know nothing will get you down. xxx

  2. Hi there, your pink scallops are looking good! I love how crochet can finish off a project. I am looking forward to some cooler weather...Looks like it's warm over your way too.

  3. You've got a smile on your face and this month will be better! :)

  4. New house, that excitement!! So lucky!!

  5. It's funny how we capture the great moments and forget the sad and challenging. Hope March is a lot better for you!
    lovely pictures - love all your jars in the cupboard. well stocked!

  6. Your crochet is looking amazing! Well done you! And how gorgeous are you all frocked up at the races! Your pictures always give us an amazingly happy little glimpse into your life but I will send a hug your way just inc ase you need it anyway. x

  7. I love country races! Gorgeous dress! Hope this month has much less challenges for you xx


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