
Wednesday, March 20


I've been thinking about balance quite a bit lately.  Balance in all aspects, but mostly just day to day balance.  I feel I'm still transitioning with the whole school/kinder she-bang and to be honest pining slightly at the loss of our days of no routine.  Days when I was in charge and planned their worlds.  I miss those days, now it just seems there is always somewhere to be, somewhere to go.

My stay-at-home mother role is shifting now as my lovely little people in my life head out and have others help them with their learning, discovering and exploring of this wide and wonderful world.   It's hard to adjust to that increase in time they spend out of the home, and then still fit in all that we want to when they are.

Balance is an evolving concept.

Once upon a time, I used to harvest so many figs from my tree.  Now the birds and bats get too many.  So last night I made a contraption* to balance it out more evenly.   If only it was so easy to make a contraption to balance out life.

How do you transition when life shifts focus?

*a cut off bottle top stuck to the end of broom or mop (use tape if it's loose) - use the rim of the bottle edge to cut though the stem of the fig and then the fig drops in the container.  In case you're wondering...yes I do have a ladder, but it's not big enough to get all the figs.  And this is quite fun xx


  1. Keeping it simple is our mantra around here. Slow, gentle days to keep not only the babies grounded but myself too. Hopefully we can still take things fairly slowly when school is on the agenda. You fig contraption is pure genius lovely soul. Hope your week is beautiful :) xx

  2. Love your fig wotsit, genius! I like simple around here too. I find it hard though when you have an older child at school/afternoon activities and toddlers on a completely different level. It really is about finding a balance. xo

  3. Oh that fig contraption is ingenius Brenda!
    Hmm, balance is something I have been seriously lacking this year. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day or days in the week for me to accomplish all that I want/need to. It's been a struggle actually and something I have been pondering more often in recent days. I definitely need to get back to those slow simple days...I could well do with a holiday too.
    I hope you find that balance you are looking for lovely.

  4. I love school holidays. School is busy even with the most simplest of days and no activities in the afternoons. The mornings, getting ready and getting little people to and from school all takes time. It's all the extra stuff that comes with the school term that I really struggle with. Just this week, I've had to say no to everything - doing canteen, being on the P&F, soccer committee, making things for the Mother's Day stall and hosting a Tupperware Party (grrr!) - no no no no. My time will come when I can contribute more to the school but now with a baby is not one of them. I'm sure you will get into the swing of things. Mel x

  5. I love your contraption. I battle the possums stealing our plums (ok, the neighbours plums that they don't seem interested in). I'm still trying to find the balance around here as well, you're not alone :)

  6. I'm always thinly mg, adjusting, struggling to find balance in our busy lives. It's an ever-evolving thing.

  7. Clever girl! When you figure out the answer to life/work/kiddie balancing act can you let us all know!?!

  8. gosh, balance. So important. We have some challenges at the moment trying to work out shared parenting and achieving the best balance for everyone. Trying to keep things simple is complicated!

  9. It's a daily challenge I think even simple living people have to make choices about your invention and love figs.xx

  10. I can really relate to how you're feeling, my adjusting to kindy life is taking time to and I am missing those routine free, care-free days :( Balance is so very important but something which takes time to achieve...

  11. Love the fig contraption - so clever!

  12. You are so clever! I have just sent a link to this to my Dad who is always going mad about the birds eating all his figs! I don't doubt that he will have one of these ready for next year.

    Hope you are well.


  13. Balance. I think it is a lifetime achievement trying to find it. It's a slippery slope, and constantly evolving. I love your fig contraption, and you're right. If only it was that easy.

    I've been thinking of you LOTS lately. I am imagining that you are spending a lot of time organising quotes for moving and thinking about storage solutions while your 13 acres is finished. I can see you choosing fabrics, tiles and paint. Perhaps all the kitchen details, and bathrooms too! It's a lot of work, and very time draining! Perhaps after the madness of building your new home, and moving in there permanently (say, in around another year's time), you may feel settled and a little bit more balanced. But it's going to be a little while yet! Hang in there. It's one hell of a ride! Miss you. x


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