
Sunday, March 17

a change...

This week (and last) I bunkered down at home and changed things around.  Well, mostly bed linen and just a few bits and pieces, but it's true you know....  A change is as good as a holiday...ok ok perhaps it's not really...a holiday would be nice (and one is one the cards) but I do like changing things around the home, especially when a season is coming to an end and a new one approaching.

1.  My daughters bed now with the quilt that used to be on our bed end.  The vintage pillowcase from my mother-in-law and elephant a gift from by brother during his trip to India.
2. The fallen figs racked up every evening so we don't squish them under foot.
3. She makes him laugh this special laugh that no one else really can
4. In breaking news:  I have a fringe.  And thinking about a return to a few fashion posts on this wee blog here.
5. A embroidered doily, a thrifted glass jar || that's what's adorning my dining table of late
6.  Hallelujah to Friday pizza night.  Home made goodness enjoyed by all.

Do you like changing things around your home?

Joining in with Em @ The Shack 



  1. Oh my god! I am the queen of furniture changing! It's the next best thing to an actual holiday!

  2. I love that quilt!!! Did you make it? Oh that pizza looks absolutely delicious too! If I hadn't eaten myself silly at lunch today I'd be making one tonight... Next week maybe. I love your week in pictures.

    Sophie xo

  3. Lovely post - I noticed the fringe, and your gorgeous necklace. I love changing things around at home. Have been doing this a bit through the week. Must be the change in seasons. Pizza night one night a week is a must around here xo

  4. I really love the quilt, very nice indeed. Homemade pizza is so nice, especially on a Friday! Thanks for sharing your photos. :o)


  5. All lovely home photos.
    homemade pizza night here on Friday too. x

  6. That quilt is fabulous. Lucky girl.

  7. A change IS as good as a holiday - especially when you can't have one of those as well! I'm loving your fringe - you look fab as always! And it's time for more fashion posts. Can't wait! Xx

  8. You look beautiful, BTW.

    I love the bed. It's just gorgeous.

    Yummy husbie making yummy pizza.

    You are livin' the dream, my gorgeous. x

  9. Ooo I LOVE the fringe - you look gorgeous!!! And the quilt is amazing and I see it has the same material that's in your header so you must have made it then, yes? Clever thing :-) Mel x

  10. What a beautiful, colourful world you're creating lovely! How I love a change happens often here. You're looking divine with that firnge and capturing that laugh is so very special. Hope your week is beautiful :) xx

  11. I love a little change too, rearranging the furniture and a change of bed linen always feels nice and refreshing. Your new fringe really suits you:) And homemade pizza yummo. Have a lovely week. xx

  12. hello, my first time visiting. coming through the beetle shack. i too love changing the house in particular bed linens. just yesterday i purchased some new ones and today i will venture out again looking for curtains. lovely shots. happy week!

  13. I like the thought and idea of change ,,,just not very good at following through. xxx

  14. your fringe and dimples are divine as is that quilt, that laugh and these stills xxx

  15. I love that bed. I also want that pizza - YUM! Have the most beautiful week.

  16. These snippets are the best posts, don't you think! Love this little insight into your world. And love the fringe!

  17. YOU ARE ADORABLE. that is all.

    xo em

    p.s and that bed is perfect.

    now, that is all



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