
Friday, February 15

goings on...

The week is up, the weekend is here and I've not spent much time here this about life getting in the way.  In a full on good way though.  You know, when things all just happen all at once however, now the calm has come, I invited some lovely blooms into the house after spending most of the day with my cleaning groove going.  Ah...weekend here I come.  We've got family staying with us,  and I go collect my first organic veg box tomorrow and I've planned a bit of baking, sightseeing around this lovely city and loads of playing with my nieces...

1 & 2 - Images I used as part of my photographic assignments.  Learning about low key images, black and white conversion....
3 & 6 - Beautiful blooms making me smile each time I walk past them
4 - home made peanut butter on homemade wholemeal bread - It really doesn't get any better than this.
5 - little monopoly cars...ready and waiting.

what have you been up to this week? and what do you have planned for the weekend?   Whatever you do, I hope you squeeze in some fun



  1. Oh I can relate to life getting away from me too Brenda..I just don't know where this year has gone. Are we really almost two months in?
    I am wanting to try adding honey to our next batch of peanut butter..sounds divine.
    Loving your blooms, so pretty.

  2. Homemade peanut butter delicious! Chocolate shaving through it would be yum! Have a glorious weekend xo

  3. Your photography is getting better and better each time I visit Brenda - loving the pics! Have a lovely weekend - it sounds blissful.

  4. Love all your pictures Brenda- you had me at home-made peanut-butter! It's amazing how black & white can make rubbish bins look less like, well, rubbish bins! x

  5. beautiful photography.
    the flowers are lovely.

  6. Your week sounds so much like ours. Visitors all week, a big fortieth last night, and a full on Saturday. Hardly any time to blog or visit other bloggers (thank goodness for scheduled posts!)

    I love home-made butter, and thought of you whilst making your focaccia bread. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! xx

  7. those dahlias are stunning. they always remind me of my grandparents who always grew them each summer.

  8. Homemade peanut butter = Awesome!
    Have a wonderful week!

  9. dahlias- my favourite!

    thanks for linking up

    xo me

  10. beautiful photos yet again Bren!

    have a wonderful week!




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