
Saturday, February 9


6/52 - A portrait of my children, once a week, every week for a year

J - I often wonder what you are thinking, so grown up with your thoughts and questions. Not a day goes by that I do not marvel at your endless developing intelligence
M - My adventure companion.  Exploring a historic building (only the facade remaining) dating back to the 1860's.  You finding so many treasures and always using your imagination. 

Jodi @ Che & Fidel hosts with wonderful portrait challenge. 


  1. Beautiful, Bren. Your words as well as your photography. x

  2. I can see your son's mind ticking away in that photo, my boy is the same - a real thinker. And that historic facade is amazing, may i ask where it is? (i have a 'little' thing for historic buildings!)

    1. oh yes, It's in Beechworth - north east Victoria....gorgeous historic gold rush town xx

  3. That photo of your boy is just stunning Brenda, he looks like has such a gentle heart. And your little girl looks like she enjoys going on adventures with you, it's fun have a companion to go adventuring with. xx

  4. Your children are gorgeous as are your photographs of them. How lovely that you have a little companion to take on all of your adventures. I hope Millie enjoys adventuring with me when she is older. Have a happy happy weekend. Melinda x

  5. these are such beautiful portraits. your son looks so deep in thought, and your daughter so cheeky ;) x

  6. Gorgeous kidlets captured beautifully. Your boy reminds me of my own - and isn't it lovely having a chattering companion everywhere you go?! Just perfect shots Brenda! Have a fantastic week m'lady! xx

  7. These are beautiful. Really really beautiful. That second pic looks like you could be in Spain :-)
    Mel x

  8. WOW. Love the black and white.
    Amazing background in the second shot!

  9. Oh Bren the balck and white of your little man is trult stunning...this one should be framed for sure. ANd your little shadow is so full of life and adventure. Bijou talks of her often. Wishing you a gorgeous week lovely lady :) x

  10. Yes, I wish so much I could work out what was going on in their little minds! Beautiful photos, as always Bren!


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