
Tuesday, January 15

weetbix {a giveaway}

This is a sponsored post

When I was asked to make a few dishes by the folk that represent Weetbix, well I jumped at the chance. Weetbix has been a household favourite of mine even before I was a parent, and back further when I was a child myself. There is something quintessentially Australian about the humble Weetbix.  But I'm also here to remind you to look beyond just limiting this favourite icon to flooding a bowl of Weetbix with milk for breakfast.  Weetbix are truely a universal staple to have in your pantry.

Come with me on a journey and discover the possibilities that await you....

1. Weetbix, date and nut balls ::  1 cup chopped dried pitted dates, 1/2 cup roasted nuts of your choice, 2 weetbix, 1 tbs honey or you could use peanut butter :: Process in a food processor until all blitzed and starting to stick :: roll into small balls with your hand and coat with coconut. A great healthy sweet snack perfect with a strong coffee!

2. Salmon and Weetbix bites -  Mix a 400g tin of red salmon with 2 crushed Weetbix, 1 egg, some grated cheese and if you like some grated vegetable of your choice.  Roll into small sized balls.  Dip in egg yolk and then into bread crumbs and fry in some vegetable oil until golden.  Serve with a dip of your choice and slices of lemon.

3.Stuffed capsicum with Weetbix and Parmesan crumb - fry off some onions and vegetables and until soft and browning ::  Add a cup of cooked rice (brown or white) and stir to combine  ::  Spoon mixture into half capsicums ::  In a bowl crush one weetbix and mix with a tablespoon of grated Parmesan ::  sprinkle liberally over the top of each capsicum to cover the filling ::  place capsicums in a baking dish, fill a with a little water and then cover with foil and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or until the capsicum is soft,  remove foil and bake for a further 10 minutes or until the crust is nice and golden. 

I have a year supply of Weetbix to giveaway to one lucky reader.  A year supply!  That's one box of Weetbix a month for a year.

Simply leave me a comment suggesting the way in which you like to use weetbix in your cooking repertoire.  It's that easy.  Giveaway will end at midnight Tuesday 22nd January 2013 and is open to all Australian and New Zealand residents. If you are not already a follower of this blog, then please become one and ensure that I can contact you should you be the lucky winner!

This competition is now closed!  The lucky winner is Mel from Coal Valley View - Congrats Mel...a years supply of weetbix is on it's way to you!


  1. Love weetbix. When I was little my favourite snack was a couple of weetbix, with butter smoothed on top and sprinkled with sugar - I kid you not. I still have it now (when no one is looking) - I dare you to try it. Yum! xo

  2. Ohh some great ideas there! I use Weetbix in rum balls and our latest craze is crushing them up and mixing them through yoghurt! The boys love it!

  3. This is a great prize Brenda but I had to laugh as one box of Weet Bix per month would not go far in this growing family of five! We'd need a two year supply just using it as cereal. haha.
    Awesome recipe ideas, I'll have to try the salmon one. I've used WeetBix before as part of a slice base.

  4. Oh my goodness, I can't believe how excited I got over a Weetbix giveaway! Truly, can you imagine the amount of Weetbix we go through in our family. Now other than eating it for breakfast and afternoon snacks as is, it also goes well with chocolate so a chocolate/weetbix slice would be in order. Mel x

  5. Good old Weetbix! I never would have thought to use them in a savoury dish, thanks for sharing these recipes. I like to make a yummy chocolate no-cook slice with Weetbix & my kids love it!

  6. We are big fans of weetbix in this house, but I've never actually used it for anything but a breakfast cereal! You have given me much inspiration! Top giveaway!

  7. Your recipes look so delicious, and certainly expand the horizons of the humble 'bix'.
    I actually used a couple of crushed weetbix in this recipe this week:
    I can't wait to give yours a try and think of other ways to include weetbix in my cooking!

  8. Weeti bix are a breakfast staple here! I love a good weetbix slice myself, the one that is also smothered in chocolate!!!

  9. I like to use it as a topper for yoghurt! I crumb the weetbix, mix it with honey and flour and then toast it in the oven! It tastes great with ice cream as well!


  10. I'm going to try my luck to win this one too ;)
    We go through a LOT of weetbix, and one of our fave sweets is my mum's chocolate weetbix slice recipe.
    Fingers crossed again! It wouldn't go to waste in my household! xx

  11. Oh boy - my 11 year old can eat 6-8 weetbix a day already!!
    We use weetbix in a slice which I also ate as a child!
    I just love eating weetbix with a tin of pears and cream all over them! :)

  12. Kim m galwayst@hotmail.comJanuary 21, 2013 at 8:16 PM

    I make "Marshmallow Squares" (There is WEETBIX in the base and it is delicious!)

    Base: 3 weetbix, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1 cup coconut, 1 cup SR Flour, 125 g melted butter, 1 tablespoon milk.
    * Crush weetbix & add sugar, coconut, flour & melted butter. Lastly add milk to mixture. Spread in a dis and cook at 160 c approx 15 min and then allow to cool.
    Topping: 1 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 tablespoon gelatine, 1/4 cup boiling water.
    * Boil water & sugar in saucepan. Soak gelatine in 1/4 cup boiling water. When sugar is dissolved & it's boiling add gelatine & bring to the boil again. Let cool. Poor mixture into mixing bowl & beat on high till thick. Add food colouring (pink is good) if desired. Spread marshmallow over the base & put in fridge to set.

    Ps: have joined your site too. (

  13. Hi,

    We've recently launched the site, where users can search through thousands of recipes from the best Australian food sites and blogs.

    We noticed that you have a lots of delicious recipes on your blog and would like to suggest you have a look at our Top Food Blogs section here:
    Follow the instructions on our site to add your own food blog to the list.

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us on Hopefully your food blog will be up there in the top!

    Warm regards,


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