
Thursday, January 17

summer sewing

There is something whimsy and dreamy in sewing up delights in the midst of Summer.  Today the temperature is set to reach the forty degree mark.  The curtains have been drawn, the fans on high rotation and "inside" games and crafts are scheduled.  A salad announced as the answer to "what are we having for lunch/dinner" questions.  So whilst I had a few moments of energy before the heat leads us to the local watering hole, I took some time to organise my stock for an upcoming summer night market this weekend in the peaceful location of the local golf course.  A few newbies to add tags too....  A collection of summer scarves adorned with pom pom trim and a few girls summer skirts completed as well.  Once tagged and pressed they will be diligently packed away in vintage suitcases.

How are your summer crafts going?

Joining in with these creative lovelies 

a years worth of weetbix giveaway here 


  1. ooh, those suitcases - awesome market props. Haven't done a market for a few years, maybe this year!
    Make sure you take some pics of your finished market stall.



  2. Looking good lovey. Where is that night market? Never heard of that location. Is it in Victoria or are you travelling elsewhere? Would love to come but I have to work most of Saturday and Sunday, we have Darren's parents arriving tonight for the weekend and we are currently living without a kitchen!!!

  3. Visiting from Creative Spaces and you sound like a gal after my own heart. I'm following along now :)

  4. I too love those suitcases. What a great way to store fabric.

  5. ooh I love those tassels + vintage suitcases xx

  6. Oh I wish I could come and sit in this space and share teas with you lovely friend. Imagine the chats...the creating...the laughs! Everything looks so beautiful. Wishing you a happy and shiny rest of your week.
    And a certain birthday girl ADORES her noughts and kisses (proper thank-you to come) xx

  7. Looks like it's a hive of activity at your place Brenda. I just can't seem to muster the motivation to sew in this heat at the moment. My space being in dire need of a clean/tidy doesn't help either.

  8. Beautiful pictures here, loving those cases. Wishing you a wonderful market this weekend..x

  9. Pretty! For some reason i feel more creative in the summer months & have been busy stitching too. Goodluck with your market :)

  10. I really want to sew. Actually, I really want to purchase a machine, or use my manual one sitting in the hallway (Steve's grandmother's). I am so inspired by what you create.

    I'm also loving those suitcases. They are adorable! x


Thanks so much for stopping by....I love knowing your thoughts and comments... xx